Chapter Two (I really wanna write "chugga chugga two two")

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Cooking is actually surprisingly fun. I hated having to cook when I was a kid, cause it meant I had to clean everything too. It still does, but here we have a dishwasher. I don't have to clean all the dishes by hand, which makes cooking a lot more appealing. Currently, I'm cooking Ayaka-San's favourite dish, Chazuke. It's really easy to make, but I'm adding my own touches. For example, I'm grilling some boarsteak marinated in a mint, lavender melon, and Jueyun Chili mix. It's a beautiful combination of sweet and spicy, and I know Ayaka loves those flavours. I prefer sweeter food, but I love spicy food as well. I'm also cooking the rice with a few herbs I know Ayaka enjoys in a tea form. Just as I'm finishing plating, Ayaka walks through the door. She had just finished fencing practice, and her shirt was damp with sweat. I could feel my face heat up, so I filled a glass with water and downed the whole thing. It helped, so I filled up another one just for hydration. After Ayaka changed into some cleaner clothes, we sat down at the coffee table and ate the dinner I'd made. I think that it's mediocre, not really worth much praise, but apparently Ayaka thinks it tastes like a fancy delicacy. I thank her, still not worthy of the praise, but then again, I wanted Ayaka to love it, so it's not exactly to my taste as much as hers.

"Hey, Kokomi-San, why'd you make that? I know you don't just cook 5-star meals like that for no reason, so I was wondering. Did I do something wrong?" Ayaka questions my decisions, worry evident in her soft voice.

"You think you did something wrong?! How?! You couldn't do anything wrong, you're too sincere! Ayaka, you are seriously superbly oblivious." I speak exactly what I'm thinking unintentionally, flabbergasted.

"Huh? What do you mean by that?? I'm so confused, Koko.." Ayaka doesn't get to finish my name, but I don't care. I've been rooming with her for two years now, dropping the most obvious of hints that I want her the entire time, and she's never seemed to notice. I grab her by the face and kiss her, quickly pulling back, surprised at my own actions, and I run to my room. As soon as the door is closed, I bury myself under the covers and blush furiously. What was I thinking?! Ugh, she's never gonna talk to me ever again. I messed up any of my chances with her just now. I'm just gonna move in with Kaveh and Haitham, they said I could if I did something like this. I grab my meagre belongings and climb down the outside of our building. I didn't want to run into Ayaka again for fear of embarrassment, but I left her a note telling her where I went. Haitham and Kaveh live off the Academiya's campus, making me have to either walk at least a half mile, or I could call someone to pick me up. So, out of my small suitcase, I pull my phone and ring up Haitham. I know for a fact he has a car and he'll be at home. The line rings three times before Haitham picks up.

"Kokomi? What's up, you need a ride down here to town?" He questions, since it's abnormal for me to call anyone.

"Yeah, kinda. You remember when we came up with that backup plan for where I live? I think I need to stay with you guys for a few days to make sure that I didn't do anything wrong. I also just don't wanna see Ayaka right now. Don't worry, she didn't do anything wrong, I'm just scared of what she'll think." I ranted.

"Wait, why are you scared of what Ayaka would think? What happened?"

"Ah, well.. Uhm, so you know that scenario Kaveh and I made up when we were discussing why I might need to live with you guys? The one where I, ah, kissed her?"

"WHAT?! Oh Archons, I'm coming right now. When we get you home, you have to tell us what happened. You will wait for Kaveh to get home, but you will tell us exactly what happened." He shouted in disbelief.

"Okay, okay fine.." I grumbled sarcastically.

*10 Mins Later*

I've been sitting pathetically in a tree for what's felt like 20 minutes. I know it's not been that long, I've been checking the time, but it still felt like it! I'm still grumbling to myself about random different things sitting in this tree has caused me to feel when I finally hear the familiar rumble of Alhaitham's car engine. I watch him pull up through the roundabout from my tree and jump down when he's closest to me, running over to his passenger side door. Of course, there's someone already in that seat. And I'm willing to bet you he's the reason Haitham took so long. It's Kaveh. I climbed over him into the backseat of Haitham's car, accidentally kneeing him in the crotch.

"OW! What was that for, Koko?!" He whined.

"Taking so damn long, KaVeH~" I retorted, rolling my eyes and making a silly voice when I said his name.

"It wasn't MY fault, Koko!"

"Sureeee. Haitham is never this late. It had to be you, dumbass."

"Hey, I needed to finish my drawings! That building couldn't be left half-drawn."

"Oh my Archons, just don't come if you need to finish work! For the sake of Morax, jeez Kav."

"Will both of you stop arguing and shut up? I'm trying to listen to the radio." Haitham broke up our shouting match in a relatively calm manner, shutting both of us up. You get on his bad side here, you have to walk back to the house. And you'll lose your key. So we shut up.

It's been 15 minutes of Kaveh talking to Haitham about how pretty his crush is. Haitham has looked so jealous for the entire damn time, but Kav hasn't seemed to pick up on it at all, like an idiot. Haitham looks like how I feel when Ayaka talks about her crush. She says stupid things like "Oh, she's just so nice, and she even looks like my favourite Head priestess from the last Archon age! Y'know, back when the Archons walked amongst us mortals? Before Celestia forced them into ascension to watch over us from above. She's so pretty, and she has a Hydro vision, just like the Priestess!" She'll say, completely oblivious to how I feel about it. But wait... Oh. Oh my Archons, Kaveh is an idiot. I just started listening to him out of boredom. His crush is Alhaitham! I'm going to tell Haitham as soon as we get home. I'll just plug my ears so I don't hear anything!

*At the house*

"Haitham! I have to tell you something." I giggled mischievously.

"What is it, Kokomi. I'm not in the mood, please. Kaveh keeps being insufferable about that stupid crush of his." Haitham responded grumpily.

"It's about that! He's being an idiot, and so are you! I have to tell you, c'mon, c'mon!!"


I dragged him over to a secluded little area in the house, super ecstatic to spill the tea.

"Okay, so y'know in the car when Kav was talking about his crush?"

"Yeah, he really should stop that. It hurts." Alhaitham responded to my question angrily.

"Okay, yeah, but do you know who he was talking about?"

"No, why is that important?"

"Because he was talking about YOU!" I finally spilled the beans, giggling like a child on sugar.

"H-Hah?! No fucking way, Koko. There's no way." He said incredulously.

"Think about what he was saying, Haith! He's been describing you! I mean, think about it!"

"Hm... Shit, you're right. Should I confront him about it? How?" He said after thinking for a moment.

"Yes, you should confront him! Tonight! You know what I'm saying you should do! Don't worry, I have soundproof headphones!" 

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