The kids aren't alright

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~patricks pov~

"Are you ready for the show there pattycakes" pete asked me as I tried to find the right fedora to wear at tonight's show
"Seriously! Stop calling me that! And yes I am ready" I state as I pull out one of my favorite fedora's
"Fine I'll call you pat" he say trying to mess up my hair before I can put on my fedora
"Okay... Pattycakes is fine!" I say.
"Guys, show starts in 5" the stage manager say
"Andy and Joe aren't here!" I scream at pete
"I'll text them" he says "maybe tonight you'll look into the big, huge crowd and find the one" he also says
I roll my eyes. I hate how he does that! It's just annoying! Joe and Andy walk in seeming to be ready. We start walking down to the stage when I start to think maybe I will find the one in the crowd.
"Okay guys! Let's start the show" the stage manager whispers to us
We climb the stairs to the stage and somehow the crowd knows because they're screaming even louder! We start off with 'the phoenix' when I look out into the crowd and see a girl with light Purple hair... She's wearing a red and white shirt. I freeze up and miss my time to start singing. I can't stop looking at her. Something about her, and it's not the hair, caught my eye!

Pete starts to wave the flag after I state "the war is won..."
All of a sudden pete lets go of the flag and it hits her! I start to freak out. I let one the one security guards know, they open the gate and get her. I feel like I just ruined the show! I look over at pete looking pissed off.
"I'm sorry patrick!" He say in a sad tone "I didn't mean too I swear"
I storm off the stage to the ambulance back behind the building
"Is she okay?" I ask
"She's okay, she's breathing which is a good sign... But she's cold" the guy working in the ambulance says to me
I wait in there for her to wake up. I grab her hand and start to hold it
"Please wake up" I keep whispering
20 minutes later Andy walks in and caught me holding her hand.
"Patrick... What are you doing!! We have a show!!" He screams
"Cancel it! I have to stay here with her" I say "tell the crowd we'll give them free tickets for tomorrow's show"
"What about the people coming to tomorrow's show" he says
"FINE! We'll do three shows here!" I state "it's our home town anyway!"
Andy rolls his eyes at me and walks out. A few minutes after he leave she wakes up!
"Oh good!! You aren't dead!"
Her eyes widen
"You're....YOU'RE... PATRICK STUMP!"
"Yeah, I am" I say "you're really pretty I mean what's your name"
She starts to blush
"I'm Kimberly" she says
I freeze up! I don't know what to say or do!
"Umm.... You're cute! I mean pretty! I mean beautiful!!!" I say. I can feel my face starting to get red
"Thanks! You're cute too! I mean.. Yeah your cute! I'm not going to lie" she says
Maybe Pete was right! Maybe I will find the one in this crowd, and the one is this girl in front of me... Maybe she's the one...

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