Beacon Invite

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Ruby was currently training against her obstacle course.

She had dummies of people, and hit the dummies, and she threw all sorts objects around, and used Shadow Ball at high speeds.

All the while, she thought of her father, and his sacrifice for Summer.

Soon, she let out a massive wave of energy, destroying everything within a mile.

Ruby then fell to one knee, and panted.

How can this be so hard? asked Ruby.

She then stood up, and was about to start again, a voice said, "Hey, you okay Kiddo?"

Ruby turned to see her honorary Uncle, Qrow Branwen.

"How you been?" asked Qrow.

Working hard, said Ruby.

"I can see that," said Qrow, "And just saw that power. How long you been out here?"

2 years.

"You know your family's worried sick about you, right?"

I didn't want them to worry so much.

"Well, that still wasn't right to just leave them like that."

Ruby sighed, Okay. I'll go to them. Anything from Ozprick?

Recently, Summer Rose had managed to unlock the power of silver eyes, and Ozpin had been putting her on hard missions. However, Ruby had been canceling them, and putting her on more regular missions in secret.

"I know you don't entirely trust Ozpin, but he wants to you to enter Beacon."

Not happening. I'm not going to become a weapon like how he tries to make Mom!

"Yang's gonna be there. And she's doing it to find you."

Ruby looked down, and said, Only for Yang. And, Ozpin doesn't give my team special treatment.

"I think I can arrange that," said Qrow.

Thanks Uncle Qrow.

Soon, Ruby was racing Qrow, with her uncle in his avian form. Ruby did use her powers a few times, and laughed as Qrow tried to move forward at times.

After a few hours, they landed at their house, and Ruby knocked on the door.


The door opened, and revealed Summer.


Hi mom, said Ruby.

Summer hugged Ruby tight, and Ruby returned the hug.


I'm sorry mom, it's just, Salem, she's been messing with my head ever since...

Ruby shed tears as she thought of Tai. Summer's expression softened after realizing that Ruby was thinking about her father.

"I miss him too," said Summer, "But just know, we will always be there for you. And just expect Yang to yell at you a bit."

That night, Yang did, and she cooled down when she heard Ruby was coming to Beacon 2 years early.

"I'm so proud of you!" said Yang.

Ruby just ate in silence.


I still feel like he's just using me as a weapon, like you mom, said Ruby.

"Why?" asked Summer.

I... I accidentally looked into his mind when I ran away, and, I saw a deep secret not even the inner circle knows about.

"What? He knows something we don't?" asked Yang.

It's not my place to tell you, said Ruby, I don't trust him, but I respect his boundaries. Just, please don't ask him about it.

Summer then hugged Ruby, and said, "Look, sweetie, just know, I'm proud of you. You're going to be a great hero, just like you always wanted to. Your father would be proud of you."

Ruby returned the hug, and shed some tears at finally having a family moment in so long. She almost forgot what it was like to hug her mother.

Soon, the family went to sleep, and Ruby said to herself, I hope Ozpin will learn from his mistakes. And that he has an actual plan to defeat Salem.

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