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Ruby just stood still, playing on her scroll, as Cardin charged for the up-teenth time, and rammed into a psychic barrier, again. Ruby was selected to fight Cardin after Jaune was defeated.

After Cardin rammed into the barrier once more, he stopped, panting hard, with Ruby asking, Are you done?

Cardin just gritted his teeth, and charged once more, with Ruby just stepping to the side, and tripping him with her tail. Cardin then fell out of the arena, as the buzzer went off.

"And that is the match," said Goodwitch, "As you can see, Mr. Winchester's Aura is in the red, and he left the battle area, making him disqualified. Although, Ms. Rose, could you maybe do more next time?"

Ruby looked at Goodwitch, and said, I was simply showing people what will happen when someone is too cocky and charges in head first into a battle, unprepared.

As soon as Ruby was done, she caught Cardin's mace, as he tried to slam it down onto Ruby's head. The Faunus slowly turned towards Cardin, struggling to get his weapon free.

THAT can, and will, be known as assault.

"For what?" asked Cardin, "Putting an animal in it's place."

From the outside, an explosion was heard, with Cardin rocketing out of the roof of the combat area, and landing into a patch of mud.

Soon, lunch time came, and Nora was telling her team and RWBY a story.

"So there we were, at night," she started.

"It was day," corrected Ren.

"There were Ursa."

"They were Beowolves."

"Dozens of them."

"Two of them."

"They were no match. In the end, Ren and I made a boatload of lien selling Ursa skin rugs." "She's been having this recurring dream for a while now."

Jaune was playing with his food when Pyrrha said, "You okay Jaune?"

"Yeah," said Jaune, "I'm fine, see?"

Jaune forced a fake smile, only for Ruby to say, Jaune, I know you're lying. I can read minds, remember?

"It's Cardin, isn't it?" asked Pyrrha.

"Cardin Winchester? He just plays practical jokes, that's all."

"He's a bully," said Ruby.

"Name me one time he bullied me."

Ruby then accessed Jaune's memories, saying, Let's see. There's the time he knocked your books out of your arms. And he expanded your shield so you'd get stuck in the door. And finally, he shoved you into a locker, and launched you across the school. And then I broke his kneecaps.... twice.

"I didn't land that far from the school!!"

Just then, they heard Cardin and his team picking on a Faunus with Rabbit ears.

"I told you they were real!" said Sky.

"WHAT A FREAK!!!" said Cardin.

Ruby was ready to give them another beat down, when a bolt of electricity came from the other side of the dining hall, and struck Cardin directly, with someone yelling, "CHUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!"

Everyone looked in the direction, to see a team of Faunus. The Mouse Faunus had long yellow ears with black tips. His cheeks had red circles on them that seemed to be sparking. His tail was yellow, with a brown base, in the shape of a lightning bolt.

The Faunus to his left had two horns pointed backwards on his head poking out of his orange hair. His outfit was modified to allow his wings and tail to pop out. Speaking of the tail, it had a flame on the end that didn't seem to hurt him.

The Faunus to the right had Jackal ears and tail, along with gloves on her hands with a single spike on them. Her face made it look like she had a 'mask' on her, and her hair was braided into four appendages from the back of her head.

The last Faunus stood like a ninja in front, with a long pink scarf around his neck, and two head pieces pointed backwards. His long legs indicated he was a Frog Faunus

"Wanna say that again?!" asked the Mouse Faunus.

"You wanna go?" asked Cardin, getting up.

However, the Winged Faunus just blasted Cardin with fire.... FROM HIS MOUTH!!

"Get out of here!" snapped the Jackal Faunus, "Or I'm gonna make you regret every being born!"

Cardin and his team ran out, as Ruby floated up, and said, Are you Aura Technique Users as well? Because, that was Thunder Bolt.

"Yeah," said the Mouse Faunus, "Nice to meet you. I'm Ash."

"Name's Red," said the Winged Faunus.

"Pearl," said the Jackal Faunus.

"I'm Alexander," said the Frog Faunus, "but I'm usually called X."

Why X? asked Ruby.

"My dad is a retired secret spy who was the Agent X of his day," said X, "And, well, I decided to carry it of for him."

"Why do you ask?" asked Ash.

Well, said Ruby, showing her tail and horns.

"Holy crap," said Red, "You're Mewtwo."

Please, call me Ruby, said Ruby, I prefer that over Mewtwo. Care to sit with my team?

"Sure," said Pearl, "After all, we're all Pokémon Faunus."

"What's Pokémon?" asked Nora.

"I think I've heard of them before," said Blake, "Long ago, I was told of a story of animals that once worked with Humans, known as Pokémon. They all had great powers, and could harness special elements without the need of Dust. It's said that the Faunus are descendants of Pokémon, and I feel you guys are just that."

"Yeah," said Ash, "I'm a Pikachu Faunus."

"I'm a Charizard Faunus," said Red.

"Lucario Faunus," said Pearl.

"Greninja Faunus," said X, "There should be books in the library telling the history."

"That is so cool," said Yang.

"And there is actually one Pokémon that is said to be the direct link between animals, Pokémon and Faunus."

What's that one? asked Ruby.


"Like, Ruby's Genome?" asked Yang.

"Yeah," said Pearl, "It's said that Mew was the first animal to gain superior intelligence, that they even had a civilization of their own."

Ruby looked at herself in the window, thinking, So that's why that bastard wanted me like this. But, are there any Mews left out there?

From the Grimm Pools, a bubble floated out of the tar like substance, and popped, revealing a small pink cat like creature. She shook her head, and said, "Mew."

She then floated around, and encountered a Grimm that attacked her. She dodged, and put a finger down on the ground, creating a crack, and when it reached the Grimm, there was an explosion, blowing up the Grimm.

The creature then took off to the sky, and to brighter and more colorful lands. And she would meed a very special Faunus that she was related to.

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