22. and salt the open wounds you lay upon

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I loved you as certain dark things are to be loved

In secret, between the shadow

and the soul


Regie found himself picking up the pill bottle, opened the bottle, and contemplated on swallowing the pills. 

If he ended up swallowing the pills, would he be doing the world a favor? No one would miss me. I really would be doing the world a favor. Oliver could be better off without me, as would the rest the boys. Mama never really was proud of me for a majority of the things I did, as was my dad. 


He was the only thing that Regie wanted to stay alive for. Everyone else could fuck off. In his eyes, Oli was the only one that kept him sane. He didn't wanna be saved by anyone else, but Oliver. Now, Oli was gone, he was upset at Regie, and would most likely never speak to him again, unless it was necessary, and that wouldn't be an often thing.

Regie started to fill up the big tub, and stripped himself of his clothes. He stood and re-contemplated his decision, but when he tried to make himself think about it, it felt as if his brain and heart was set on doing this.

It's what best for you, and it's what best for everyone else. He heard himself in the back of his head.

He laid in the bathtub as he opened the pill bottle, and ended up swallowing the pills that were once residents of the bottle. He'd done it, it's too late.

He let himself go, and fell into the water of the tub. He closed his eyes in hope that he'd wake up in heaven, or the after life, whichever one was real, and would no longer face the cruel reality of being in a body full of restrictions.

He'd always tell himself he'd want to be a butterfly in his next life. He'd do what he need to do. Become a caterpillar, make up his cocoon, and hatch into a beautiful butterfly, and fly with such freedom that he never would've had as a human.

Then, he'd find his mate, mate with them, hatch the eggs, protect them, and once they were able to care for themselves he'd fly away and die. A short yet meaningful life.

Once he fully closed his eyes, he saw nothing but pure darkness.


Darren found himself laying on Kane's shoulders completely tired from the situation that unraveled in front of his eyes. Unbeknownst to him, yet another tragedy was bound to happen.

"Baby, we're here," He heard Kane say as he nudged his stomach. He woke up pretty easily, and got out the car, and walked into the house, itching to go to the bathroom. He walked to the bathroom, and approached the door, and grabbed the handle knob, it didn't budge. He tried again, and it didn't still didn't budge. He ended up using his fingernails to unlock the door, hurt himself a bit, but he got the door unlocked.

The sight he had seen was a sight he never wanted to see again. It was Regie laying unconscious with his body turning blue. His mouth gaped open widely, and immediately closed right after. It was a morbid, and frightening sight. To see someone he thought was happy, someone he cared for to lie unconscious in a bathtub. 

"R-Regie.. You're not..." Darren didn't even wanna finish his sentence. Purely because he hoped that wasn't the case. He took Regie's arm, and he placed it on the armrest of the tub. He then did the same with Regie's legs. Then his entire body was next. He walked out the bathroom to get Regie some clothes. He came back to put the clothes on Regie, and once he did, he hoisted Regie's arm on him, and proceeded to carry Regie to his room.

He carefully laid Regie down, while he picked up his phone, and dialed 911.

"911, what seems to be the emergency?"

"Yeah uhm... My friend here is laying unconcious. His body is blue, and his heart doesn't seem to be beating regularly. It felt weak."

"Sir, what's your name?"

"Darren. Darren Liang." 

"Where's your address?"

"XXX-XXX at XXXXXX street."

"Alright Darren, stay seated. Help is one the way." The lady said before hanging up. Once she did, Darren couldn't help but stare at the ceiling in silence, as he couldn't help but feel a wave of guilt washing over him.

If I had confronted Regie about his girlfriend's hit... If I had warned Oli about it. Would all of this have happened? Is it my fault? If it is...

He'd be devastated. He IS devastated. He had the chance to do something,meet he didn't do it... IS this all his fault?

He soon saw the ambulance pull into their driveway. He ran downstairs as fast as he could nearly twisting his ankles twice, in a hurry to get the paramedics to Regie.

"Where is he?"


He saw the paramedics pull out their medical stretcher as they rushed into the house to get to Regie, Darren quickly following suit.

As they got to the upstairs floor, they asked which room he was in, and Darren gave them the room information. 

They got in the room and inspected Regie's unconscious body. 

"He's in critical condition. We're gonna need to take him to the hospital. Do you wanna come with us?"

Darren nodded his head in silence in fear.

They all rushed down the stairs with Regie on the stretcher, got in the ambulance, and rode quietly. 

"Y'know, you're quite brave for staying calm in this situation. Made things go a lot more smoother for us."

Darren nodded his head, as he didn't want to engage in the conversation. He felt too guilt to speak of Regie, or even Oliver for that matter.

The paramedics didn't egg him on too much, as she thought Darren was shaken up, which he was. It was more than that for him.


Ryan walked with Sebastian back into the house, as Sebastian just threw his stuff on the floor, and it was pissing Ryan off a bit, because regardless of the situation, you shouldn't just throw things around as if your house was a trashcan.

So there Ryan was picking up after Sebastian and throwing the dirty clothes in a hamper, rather than leaving them out on the floor for the oder to emit throughout the room. He then made sure to put the dirty clothes in the laundry, just because that's how good of a lover he was.

He walked back to their room, to see Sebastian staring at the TV screen, on it was an episode of Teen Titans Go! 

Sebastian laughed at the funny scenes, and cringed at the cringy scenes, and Ryan didn't say anything because Sebastian had been through enough, from rejuvenating a relationship with a partner to seeing your brother lying unconscious on a hospital bed.

But even then, while Sebastian was laughing and talking to Ryan as if nothing happened, and it was another causal day.

Ryan could tell Sebastian wasn't okay.


A/N: Double Update bc why not 

Love y'all 


I'd Risk My All (Olegie and Sebryan from NSB)Where stories live. Discover now