
27 2 1

Warnings: Panic attacks, death

"Richie!" Eddie rushes over to his side, falling to his knees next to the boy.

"Fuck, Richie, wake up!" Eddie starts shaking Richie's shoulders, hoping that something will happen, that Richie will open his eyes and say something stupid, maybe making fun of him for being so worried.

His breath picks up.

His ears start ringing.

A few tears fall from Eddie's eyes as he shakes Richie vigorously.

"Richie! Wake the fuck up!"

He can't breathe, his vision blurs as tears fill his eyes.

He slowly stops shaking Richie.

"Please Richie..." Eddie fumbles as he reaches a shaky hand to check Richie's pulse, "Please..."

Eddie collapses as he realizes that Richie's pulse is gone.

It's not there.

It's gone.

He's gone.

Eddie sobs uncontrollably into Richie's hair, hoping so desperately that Richie will reach a hand up, pinch his cheek and make fun of him for being so worried.

But as time goes on, no life is shown from Richie.

Eddie refuses to leave.

Refuses to let go.

He holds on to the hopes, the hopes he knows will never be the truth.

Eddie leans back to look at Richie's face.

He can't stand to keep looking at Richie.

He buries his face back into Richie's hair.

He hasn't stopped crying.

He probably won't stop.

He slowly looks over to the side, his eyes lock on Richie's phone, a neatly folded note placed on top.

"Richie..." Eddie mumbles, "Why...?"

All Eddie want's to know is why.

A million what ifs flood through his brain.

What if I got here sooner?

What if I let him stay the night with me when he asked?

What if I stayed the night with him?

What if...

What if...

What if...




The sound of Richie's phone ringing fills the room.

Eddie reaches a shaky hand over, hitting the accept button.

"Hey Richie!" It's Bev, "I was wondering if Eddie's is with you? I called him but got no answer."

Eddie looks up, noticing his phone sitting in the hallway on silent, he must have dropped it.

"Richie?" Bev asks.

"I-" Eddie starts, but he breaks, he begins to sob again. 

"Richie?!" Bev asks concerned, "Richie, is everything okay?!"

Eddie can't breathe.

Bev's words blur into ringing.

He can't do this.


Eddie missed what she said.

He doesn't care.

He clings tightly to Richie.

He doesn't want to let go.

His breathing is strained.

He can't let go, he wont let go.

The ringing is overpowering.

Eddie can almost hear something like footsteps.

"Eddie" Eddie snaps out of whatever was happening to him to look up at Bev.

"Shit..." Bev mutters, "Fuck!" Bev runs over, pushing me slightly so she can gain access to Richie.

"Richard, wake up!" Bev shakes him just like I did earlier, "Wake the Fuck up!"

Bev shakes even harder.

"You promised..." She gives up, collapsing into Richie's limp arms.

She looks up at Eddie, tears falling down her face.

"Was he like this before you got here?" She asks, her voice weak.

All Eddie can manage is a nod, if he tries to talk he'll just be sent into another panic attack.



Words: 504

Authors Note: Lol, I re-wrote this because it sucked ass.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2023 ⏰

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