Final Chapter: I'm Living Life

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As I sat back on my chair, with a bag of chips on the table, I reflect on the past year. 

Me and food. Food and me. 

My body has changed, and sometimes I stare and stare at the mirror. Sometimes I miss my old body.

I guess the mindset doesn't leave that quickly.

I do get lumps of sadness sometimes, but I've started to glow. My personality is no longer a shell of a person. I find myself smiling and I realized why my friends were my friends in the first place.

When I get the chance to touch the flowers on a sunny day, or wake up from a really good nap, or when I'm alone with my music, I think to myself that recovery is good.

That the hunger pains, that the headaches, that the self-loathing that consumed me is bad, and that I don't miss it.

I throw away the bag of chips and sit back to watch the sunset through the tinted kitchen window. I see my siblings dash and run outside. They were probably playing tag.

They still don't know much, they must have connected the dots though, and sometimes I feel like telling them. That's a story for another day though.

I stand up and open the door. I instantly hear laughter and squealing, and I find myself smiling. 

"Yo!" I call out. "Let me play too!"

They turn to me, and all yell, "Not it!"



I may struggle sometimes, but who cares? As long as I don't let that shitty disorder win, I'm good. 

And like the oncelor once said, "How bad can it be?"

End :)

A/N: Surprise, this book is about my experience with binge eating. I know how it feels. The first few chapters were about my own emotions, but after a while, I wrote this character to have her own personality. 

It's also why updates took so long--I just didn't relate to the character anymore since I stopped binge eating. Numerous times I was thinking about abandoning this book since it kind of became a chore to write, and not to mention, I felt like people read this to trigger themselves. I still kept writing tho.

I hope you enjoyed! And thank you for reading <3

Your lovely comments are what kept me motivated to write!

I will edit this story, very slowly, but surely. 

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