The Invasion

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Introduction: The invasion of Earth has had a heavy toll on the invading Imperial forces. The physical bullets of Earth's weaponry has actually benefited it for once, as the plastoid armour of stormtroopers shatters whenever a bullet strikes it's mark.

Darth Vader pov:

"Have the rest of Earth's military surrendered yet?" The raspy voice could be recognized anywhere as being my master, Lord Sidious's voice,

"Yes, Lord Sidious. We have complete control over Earth, the weapons and supplies and we are currently rounding up the population and building refineries in remote places like you ordered. We also have-" The Imperial officer's transmission back to Coruscant was cut short by a loud bang.

"Coruscant to Earth? Coruscant to Earth? Can you hear me!" Another officer aboard the Super Star Destroyer shouted back down towards the blue-green dot that was Earth.

"We've lost all communications to Earth, Sir!" Another voice came in through the intercom.

"Get my fighter ready, I need to be on the ground, not stuck in orbit with a bunch of-, nevermind just get me my fighter and Ace Squadron." I said breathing heavily

Ten minutes later...

I peeled away from the cloud bank and into a chaotic scene, AT-AT's scattered on the ground, smoking, chunks scattered here and there. Suddenly one of the pilot's from my squadron yelled over the intercom about bandit's at three a clock, when suddenly a orange cloud that changed to black blossomed into the air in front of me. The TIE advanced prototype rocked from the shockwave, and as I looked around to see where it had come from more and more blossomed into the sky leaving a clear trace of where my squadron had just been. I cursed under my breath knowing it gave away our position.

"Bomb's away!" I heard over the intercom and the TIE bomber behind me let loose it's deadly payload against a small hunk of metal with a long barrel spewing a toxic mix of death and destruction. As I looked back at it, I sucked in a gasp of surprise, it was still moving and what was more, a new piece of equipment to it's right fired a projectile at the left side of the squadron and a TIE fighter violently exploded sending shrapnel into a nearby TIE bomber, 

"Check your shields!" The only remaining member of Ace squadron was busy fending off a black fighter  that fired continuous long bursts of hot shrapnel straight into any TIE machine it could hit.

"Get that fight-arrAGGHH!" The transmission over the intercom cut short as a ball of flame slowly came into my vision as I banked hard to intercept this new threat. The black fighter turned its attention to the TIE bombers and sent them hurtling toward the ground in a heap of flaming scrap metal.

As I sped towards the black fighter it suddenly banked away and I turned in a wide, slow circle hoping to catch it once again, when out of nowhere neat little holes appeared in the cockpit above me and continued through the control panel, rendering it useless, the TIE advanced immediately began to lose height and went into a slow spin. There was no way to get out, the ejection mechanism no longer existed. Out of the corner of my eye I spotted the black fighter following me down, I pulled hard on the control stick, hoping that the wind break mechanism still worked. The black machine ran straight underneath me just as the wind break cracked and splintered off in all conditions. I sped down towards the black fighter, no room to control, no time to turn. The world turned orange, then black and I knew I couldn't escape my fate.

A few months later...

Tiran pov:

I looked over at Light and Kasana, lying peacefully on a recliner next to me. The war was over. Earth had lost. Even our nuclear weapons hadn't stopped the Empire from colonizing this world and turning it into the Galaxy's main powerhouse creating weapons, machinery and who knew what else hidden away in the jungle. 

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