Sleepless nights, Nutella, & Disney

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Hiya, sooooooooooo... the picture above is what Danny looks like
Whatchya think?
Haha I really hope I don't get writers block any time soon!
Anywho, today at my school we had locker clean out and it was kinda sad bc I've learned to love my locker!! But it's ok, Ill love my new high school locker inna few months!

I have a little riddle for y'all today.
What's soft and sweet and a delicious treat, and comes in all sizes?
Yeah, sorry if that's kinda stupid lol, well here's the story.


*Danny's P.O.V*

After dinner my parents decided they would go and catch their plane to who-knows-whereville. They didn't want to stay because they needed to do their research. It was about 6:30 PM so I guess it wasn't too late, I just thought my parents would actually spend time with me for once, but I guess not. "So... Do you want a tour through the house, Daniel?" Mrs. Hathlo asks sweetly. "Please, call me Danny, I don't like Daniel." I say, grimacing at my full first name. "Oh, I think it's a lovely name, but if you want me to call you Danny, I will." She says, smiling. "Thank you, and yes I would love a tour of this beautiful home." I say, putting on my charm. "Hope, can you please show Danny around the house?" She asks Hope, who had just walked out of the kitchen. Hope looks up. "Do I have to?" She whines. "Hope Jane Hathlo, that is NO way to speak about our guests!" Mrs. Hathlo scolds her daughter. Hope rolls her eyes. "Fineeeee, I guess. Let's go Douc- I mean Danny." She stops herself when she catches the glare from her mother.

As Hope leads me around the house telling me something about each room, I can't help but take a better look at her. She really was beautiful. She wore little make up, consisting of eye liner, and light blush. She had defined cheek bones, and wide eyes. Her hair was naturally wavy, beach waves which was kinda ironic if you consider where she lives, and it was exactly like I thought before; down to her waist. There were light hints of freshly dyed blonde highlights which if you looked close enough, made her bright green eyes pop. She wasn't very tall, even with heels on she was still, at most, up to my chin. She was perfectly curvy, and fit, probably from surfing and swimming. She wasn't all that tan but she looked like she had been in the sun for a little bit.

Just as I was about to check out her long legs, she started snapping in my face. "Are you listening to a word I'm saying?" She asks frustrated. "Um... yes?" I say, making it sound like a question. She raises an un-amused eye brow. "Oh? ok, what did I say this room was?" She asks pointing at a large room with Turquoise walls, a desk with papers and photos and a computer on it, two bookshelves on each side, a few couches, some leather seats, and 2 mahogany wood coffee tables. It looked like an Office, probably Mrs.Hathlo's office. "Um.... uh..." I stutter, wracking my brain for an answer. "Uh... it's.. Um... clean?" I say, unsure. She sighs in annoyance. "No, stupid, it's off limits." she replies, closing the door and rolling her eyes. "Oh... why?" I ask, my curiosity getting the better of me. She stiffens. "It... Just is.... I think this tour is over so follow me and ill take you to your bedroom." She states coldly. Whoa, what's got her all twisted? I stay silent and follow her down the hall and up the stairs, then to the right. She points to a door then walks into the one across from it and slams the door harshly. "Well then." I huff, opening the door she pointed at, assuming it's mine, and walking into the room. Wow!! This. Is. Awesome.

*Hope's P.O.V.*

The nerve of that dude!!

Coming into my house and acting like he can do and say whatever the f*** he wants!!! UGH!!! I'm so not looking forward to spending 2 years with this imbecile.

I slam the door as hard as I can, trying to make my point. As I walk to my bed and plop down, I realize something. With that, I pick up my phone and call someone I haven't talked to in kind of a long time.


We haven't spoken since... Well since my father-

"Hello? Hope?" I recognize the voice. It's been so long, yet his soft, deep voice hasn't changed. "Hey Rory." I say, slightly nervous. "What's up? Did something happen?" He asks worried. "Um... Well... Rory, Danny's back..." I say, sighing. There was a pause. "Oh." He simply says. "Yeah, and he seems the same, except more.... mature, and handsome, and-" He interrupts me. "Handsome?" My eyes widen. Did I really just say that??? WHAT THE HECK?! "Wait.. I mean.. Yeah I guess... but hes... Um... He's still... Uh... STUPID!!" I say, panicked. "Mmmhhhmmm." Rory says, you can actually hear him smirking. "yep.. so anyways... hi" I mumble.

After that, we talk for a few hours. Then he had to go when we realized it was already 11 PM. Now what? I'm not tired or anything. Having nothing better to do I flop off my bed and head downstairs quietly, hoping I don't wake anyone up. When I reach the kitchen safely, I go to the pantry and grab the container of Nutella, then I swiftly move over to the utensils and swipe up the nearest spoon. As I turn around to head the to basement where we set it up as a movie screening room I bump into something really hard and fall backwards landing on my butt. I look up and see Danny staring down at me with a eye brow raised. I then notice he is only wearing flannel pyjama pants but no shirt. Dear Lord. He has a six pack...

I tore my eyes away from his chest to see that he is know smirking at me. I scowl. "What are you doing up? I thought you would be asleep." I ask, a little harshly. "I could ask you the same thing, clumsy." He replies. "I'm not clumsy, I just didn't see you standing there and thought everyone was asleep, that's all. And I can't sleep so I'm eating Nutella and going to watch a movie. Your turn to answer." I say, firmly. "I couldn't sleep either, so I'm joining you." He states then grabs a spoon for himself, and reaches a hand towards me. "I don't think so." I scoff, taking his hand and lifting myself off the ground. "Ok, let's go." He replies, taking my hand in his, once again, and dragging me down to the basement. I groan. Just great!

Here we are, in the screening room, watching Disney movies, eating Nutella, and cuddling on the friggen couch! His arm is around my waist and my head is on his shoulder, there is a blanket covering both our bodies. To be perfectly honest, I like this... it's nice. "Oh my god!! No!!! HERO, DONT LEAVE BAMAX BEHIND!!!!!" Danny cries out, literally in tears. I chuckle to myself, though I also have tears in my eyes. Gets me every time. He buries his face in my hair and lightly cries. I look up at him. Maybe he isn't a bad boy after all. He looks me in the eye and slowly swipes away a tear that escaped from my eye, and we stare at each other. Our faces are a mere inch or two away, and he's leaning towards me. He gets closer... and closer... then...


Hahaha sorry if that was kind of a cliff hanger, that's what I was aiming for.

So.... did you like the chapter?

What do you think is gonna happen next?

Who do you think Rory is?

Oh! And what do you think happened with Hopes father?

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Till next time, my lovelies!

~ Desaray

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