Chapter 1

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Nameless wipped her head around, her eyes not yet open, she couldn't hear very well with her folded ears, so she had no idea what was going on around her. She scrambled around uncomfortably but her presumably Mother's reassuring lick made her try to purr, a second long grumble was all she could do. Nameless lifted her paw up and accidentally slapped her sibling's head, hearing a muffled cry. Wriggling around, she followed the scent of her mothers milk, nuzzling in.

Nameless stared up at her mother for the first time, she was beautiful. Ginger and black, with a white chest and paws. Nameless wondered if she looked like that too, and she looked down at her paws, one was black with one white toe, and one of her legs was almost fully white with a bit of ginger at the top. I'm so pretty like my mum! She thought happily. "Oh, look at you. Your eyes are such a pretty bright blue." Nameless looked up at her mother. She had found out something new, she had bright blue eyes. Awesome! She realised her mum had hazel mixed with blue eyes, not like her. But she was still gorgeous too.
"Look how cute you are, Bubblekit."
Bubblekit. She had a name! Bubblekit wondered what her siblings names were. She and her siblings let out loud cries as her mother stood up and left the den, leaving her and her siblings cold and alone. Bubblekit turned her head to look at her siblings' coats. The one beside her was mostly black, with muffled ginger in. The only white was a small splotch on his chest. His eyes were amber, and Bubblekit wondered what his name was. I'll call you Amber for now. She lifted her head up high to look over Amber, another sibling caught her eye. A black she-cat with mixed in ginger splotches, her whole underbelly including her legs were white. Wow, she's gorgeous. Her eyes were bright blue like Bubblekit's, except hers were outlined in a darker blue, and lighter around the pupil. You suit Ice. Bubblekit purred, scrambling behind Amber and stretching her head up high to see passed Ice at another kit, a smaller one than her and the others. She was fully black, with small ginger splotches on her muzzled and torso, and a bit on her front paw and hind paw. The only white was on the tip of her tail. Let's call you Whiteless. Whiteless' eyes were dark brown, suiting her. There were no more siblings past Whiteless, so Bubblekit turned to her other side. One more kit was squealing. It was mostly ginger, with small black strips in between. It had a white underbelly too, its legs half white and half ginger or black. His eyes were dark blue with hazel in the middle. Your name will be Squealer. Bubblekit purred again. Eventually her Mother entered the den, licked each one of her kits individually before settling in beside us.

Bubblekit tripped over her paws when trying to walk. She had found out her siblings' actual names, Amber was Shadowkit, Ice was Winterkit, Whiteless was Crystalkit and Squealer was Shrivelledkit. She had found out her mother's name too, it was Gorsetail. Bubblekit fell face first onto her muzzle, squealing loudly and her mother came running out of the nursery to help her. "Oh, Bubblekit. Why is it always you getting up to mischief? Or should i say getting yourself into trouble." Gorsetail sighed and chuckled, placing Bubblekit onto her paws with her muzzle.
"Thanks Mum!" Bubblekit ignored Gorsetail's remark, bouncing forwards again.
"Don't go far! Come back, you must stay near the nursery you're not even a moon old yet."
Bubblekit's tail lowered, and she stalked back to her mum, and shrunk between her mum's forelegs. Gorsetail purred and licked her. Bubblekit watched as Shadowkit tumbled out the entrance, also landing face first into the dust.
"What is wrong with my kits?" Gorsetail sighed, looking up at the sky.
"Mum, why do cats always look up at the stars? They're just stars, nothing special."
Bubblekit asked. Gorsetail looked at her as if she had told her she saw a ghost.
"Because the spirits of dead cats live up there. It's called Glistenpelt. Each shiny star that stands out is a dead cat."
"That's creepy! I don't want to know dead cats are staring at me from above!" Bubblekit noticed Gorsetail's harsh look, and she realised what this meant to her. "What happens when you die? How do you become a star?" She changed the subject.
"That's a hard question, I guess when you die your spirit flies up into the sky and turns into a star. But you can only turn into a star if you're a good cat, bad cats go to a place called Blackpath."  Gorsetail closed her eyes.
"What's Blackpath?" Crystalkit sat next to her mum.
"That's a story for another day. For now, i'm going to go eat. Stay here, don't leave the entrance." Gorsetail stared at the three kits at the entrance.
"Chill out mum! We aren't gonna get eaten. Unless we all go insane and eat eachother." All kits turned in shock to Shadowkit. So he quickly added, "Which is not gonna happen." He blinked.
Gorsetail glared before padding to a patch where dead animals lay.
"Woah, when do you reckon we can eat one of those? That would be awesome! Do you think it would taste good, Crystalkit?"
Bubblekit twitched her poofy tail.
"Yeah." Crystalkit answered.
Their mother returned with a mouse as Shadowkit retreated into the den, followed by Crystalkit, but Bubblekit stayed where she was. "Hi mum! Can I have a taste? Please? Please? Please?" Bubblekit tip-tapped her forelegs hopefully.
"One day." Gorsetail meowed, entering the nursery when she turned around. "Come on." She meowed.
"No, I wanna stay here and look at Glistenpelt, look how dark it is tonight!"
"It isn't a question, Bubblekit. It's getting late, come inside." Gorsetail growled. Bubblekit whined and followed her mother inside quickly.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2023 ⏰

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