Chapter 7

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its been a few months since the incident happened wilbur has a house, everyone likes him its back to the same old town other than both of your bonds, recently you and wilbur have been bonding so much and grew closer and closer.

i was at quackitys brand new yeezys shop. helping out with more customers,after all it was a busy day,someone hugged me from the waist, i turned to see it was wilbur.

Y- Oh hey!

W- Thank you so much for everything. i cant thank you enough.

Y- Aww..your welcome!

W- I'll give you something. after your done.

Y- I'll ask quackity.

i walked up to quackity.

Q- hey!

Y- Hi! i was wondering if i could leave?

Q- Yeah sure! you worked hard enough.

i walked out, i saw wilbur outside.

W- well Hello!

i hugged him.

W- your looking cute as always.

Y- Wait is this for me?..

W- Yes, a blanket for you. Your favorite colours and mine.

Y- I love it wilbur, thank you so much!

W- im glad you liked it.

Y- well, im gonna go, thank you for the gift.

W- Wait, i just wanted to say, your the best person i have ever met. please, never leave me. i love you so much. you dont even understand how much i love you.

my heart softens to those words. i looked in his brown eyes.

Y- lets go to your base How about that?

he nods, both head to his base, sitting down. you had a soft spot for him. he knew that.

W- its night, lets go somewhere.

Y- Alright.

you both head out to a treehouse

W- this was my hideout, this is where we both would have stayed. come up!

You climbed up, you went inside the treehouse, it was so pretty. wilbur sat down, you sat too.

You realized, you could have hid with wilbur..

W- its pretty isnt it? the stars.

Y- Yeah.

W- Well,its getting late. i gotta go. come! quackity might be scared. were going home.

Y- yeah sure.

you both head home.[ i dont really like this story honestly, but im still gonna complete it for you guys ]

" MY LMANBURG. " Wilbur x reader[ DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now