My Little Rules

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1. You must be able to answer a quiz on the next section about the series in order to join. If you get 6 out of 10 right, you're in.

2. This RPB is split into two sections. One for Third Person RPers, and one for First Person RPers. So, when you make a character, make sure you say in which RP they'll be in.

3. Romance is accepted to the point of kissing. No sex is allowed.

4. If a character is going to be killed by anothe charcter, both parties must agree that the murder is acceptable. And the death must not be too gory.

5. Only three characters in ALL are allowed for a single RPer.

6. You MUST have your character have a weakness of some kind, even if it is a phobia.

7. *Pinkie Pie butts in* And have FUN! Me: Pinkie!

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