The complete silence

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As my brother said that  I held him against me just before he took his last breath. I was shaking, and my little brother Oliver was standing behind me. I dialed my dad's phone number and he picked up. My voice was shaky, and he knew that something was wrong. " dad come home." I screamed and was trying not to cry. " tori what happened?" my father said in a panic voice. " it's Charlie" I say, as my voice was cracking My father hanged up the phone and then I called nick. nick picked up the phone, and I started sobbing Nick knew that there was something wrong with me so he ran to the house to find me holding Charlie in my arms  " Tori, what has happened" nick screamed "EVERYTHING, I DON'T KNOW WHAT HAPPENED" I shouted Dad came home he saw me crying while i was holding my brother in my arms and immediately took me and him to the hospital but when we got there, charlie stop breathing. "Wake up", I said. But he did not respond. I screamed again. " Charlie wake up. This isn't funny." but still no response it was too late he was already gone. "NO NO NO NO NO DAD HURRRY UP" I screamed while crying. " Tori." Charlie said in the voice breaking tone. " no no Charlie you're gonna make it you're gonna be OK." I say, in a terrify look " it's too late for me" Charlie said realizing that he was going to fadeaway in my arms and I have my dying brother as he took his last final breath

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