fuck u!

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This continues from the last part but everyone is a the cabinnnn just doing there own thingg

Liv:im so boreddd

Sam:ur literally in a bedrom with 3 other ppl go talk yo them

Quinn:fr are we that boring😔

Liv:no yall are jst annoying🙄

Anika:rude much

Tara:me, Amber, wes and jj went to go annoy max and sam but there asleep

Tara:me, Amber, wes and jj went to go annoy max and sam but there asleep

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Ella:awwww thats so cute


Chad:there so cute

Mindy:first thing you've said thats actually true

Chad:fuck u!

Tara:omfg we should all go watch a movie on thr couchh

Ella:omg yeahh


Ethan:why not

Tara:okok I'll wake up sam and max so everyone be in the living room in 5

Kirby:if u wake up sam and max rn u do know there gonna fall back asleep in like 20 minutes

Sam:no we won'ttt



"ok so what film should we watch" tara asks "a horror?" chad asks "yeahh" ella says agreeing "is that what were going for?" tara asks and most of them agree and they out on insidious

At the end there all still awake somehow so there picking what there doing next

Sam:@kirby actually we didn't fall asleep go 😏



Kirby:what did u guys watch?


Kirby:ohh okk

Ethan:yeah were tryna decided what to do now thoo

Kirby:play hide and seek in the dark

Anika:omfg yeahh

Quinn:okokok that sounds pretty funnn

Sam:yeah were playing rn

Kirby:are u gonna hide in that place?

Sam:yeahh and then the other one 😋

Ella:yeah im defo not counting😭

Amber:me amd ethan counted last time so

Kirby:guys im at work and ur literally in the same room as each other u don't need to text??

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