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I can't forget that day in middle school. Well, it started like any normal day. Little did I know it would be the turn to the worst part of my life:

"WAKE UP (Y/N) YOUR ALMOST LATE TO SCHOOL!!" I heard a voice echo threw my head merging into my dream. I was dreaming about a boy. Like any normal 7th grader does.A certain boy with platinum white hair and a red streak.

Then I realized the voice was my mom waking me up for just another day of school. With Kazuha not knowing anything about me.

Not wanting to wake up and greet reality. I groaned and continued to sleep.

Only to be bombarded with my mom yelling for me to wake tf up again and again.

"Fineee, but as long as you've made a pot of coffee, I have no energy," I replied after 10 minutes. (If u don't like coffee, just do an energizing drink u like)

Then out of the realization of how late it was...I jumped out of bed, changed my clothes at lightning speed, getting a piece of toast, my iPad (or laptop), my bag, and of course the amazing coffee.


I arrived at my first-period class right as the bell rang. Not having time to talk to my bestie, Yunjin. So I shot her a smile. To which she didn't return.

I was shocked at how she just ignored me but realized she might be mad about how I was late or something at home.

Completely ignoring whatever the teacher was saying I allowed myself to stare at the incredibly pretty boy next to me, he has white hair with a red streak, a really cute soft smile, and the deepest crimson eyes you can imagine.

You've liked this boy since he made a poem about you. Although he wrote a poem for everyone in the class, you just loved his calm and loving personality. And also he is so fucking cute and hot. Ultimate boyfriend material  despite not knowing him. (damn im creepy)

You couldn't help but stare at him. Even though Yunjin told me how much she liked him multiple times.

Why must she like him too?

Speaking of Yunjin... she had just caught me staring at Kazuha. From what I saw she was pissed beyond words.

I was scared. Since when did she look so threatening?

She stared at me with absolute hatred. I was more scared. we are besties. Right??

Then she mouthed the words 'You will pay for this.'

I was so confused so I just looked down and hoped I had misread her lips. Slightly panicking as I might have just lost my only friend.

To my 'Amazing luck,' The teacher had to leave the classroom to pick up some papers. To my biggest fears, Yunjin took advantage of that.

She started screaming and saying all of my secrets I trusted her with. Along with some lies to make everyone hate me. Fuck she even brought up how my dad kept going on business trips and  how she thought he wasn't doing that kind of business.

It hurt so badly. I didn't know what to do. My best friend had told the whole class everything I trusted her with.


And even some lies saying I was so violent and that I attacked her. showing the class scratches and scars from my cat Arlo. She had gotten them when playing with him. And now I was proud of Arlo for that.

"Never play with my cat again," I said in a rather harsh tone.

To which she replied by saying "I would never touch you stupid ass cat. I only played with him because you neglected him to play Genshin."

"Fuck you. I would punch your face in if there wasn't a camera there." I snapped back in return. Then I realized I had just "proved" her lies. Then she smirked.

I realized she brought up Arlo so that I would snap and act violently to protect the most important thing in my life. She knew my weaknesses.

I was in complete shock. And everyone else in the class fell silent for a few moments. Until everyone started glaring at me and murmuring. At that moment I was so panicked. Everyone hates me. Everyone. Does Kazuha? What am I saying, he doesn't even know me except for those lies ofc he does.

I shot a quick glance at him only to see he looked as shocked as me. Probably shocked by all the things "I did" that "totally weren't" lies

I can't breathe anymore. Im shaking and am an utter mess. I hear people murmuring about how I'm a monster. Even an "Shh look the monsters getting angry, I hope they don't attack us." a " Poor Yunjin suffering in silence" And loudest of all "What kind of monster would neglect a cat for a game".

Fortunately, the teacher came back. Unfortunately, I was crying and still couldn't breathe, my face started to turn purple from my lack of oxygen and state of pure anger/panic.

Then it all processed. 'I have no friends, Yunjin betrayed me, the class hates me and I know that this news would spread around quicker than a California wildfire. 'I should just die now. There's no point.' I thought.

Then.. it all went black as I started shaking more.
Is this the end? I hope it is


3 days later isn't.I woke up at home and my mom leaned over me. She was sobbing heavily. I never knew she cared so much about me.

Then it hit. She doesn't do that much. What happened? Sure I passed out for some time. but that's not enough for her to be crying next to me. and why does she have more bruises now? i thought dad had calmed down.

Wait how long has it been? Eh, I'll check later.

Then I realized she was talking. "..eft for an a-another girl..a-nd hit me ag.ain..." my mom said with a stutter.

"Huh?"I questioned " I'm sorry Mom. I didn't hear you.

"YOUR AWAKE" my mom practically yelped in happiness. Before she softly murmured, " I'm so happy, I didn't lose everything in 3 days."

Ah. So I was out for 3 days. Damn. Wait.

Then i realized what she had said. Amost lost everything in 3 days?huh? I'm not her everything. I'm closer to my father even though I barely see him.

"What happened Mom? Why are you crying?" I ask.

"Your father (y/n).. he left us. He took everything. The car, our money, and, our phones. He even sold the house..." she trailed off. It sounded like she wanted to say more about how she felt but knew I was closer to my dad and needed time to process.

I sat in shock. I've lost everything but my mom. Wait. There's one thing.

"WHERE'S ARLO?!" I screamed in panic. I don't care my best friend and my dad left us, that, everyone at school sees me as a moster,that kazuha hates me, I'm homeless, etc. I just care about where my fucking cat is.

At the mention of his name, I heard a soft meow and my mom got up to open the door. Letting Arlos Grey and white fluffy body into the room as he jumped into my lap and purred.Closing his amber eyes and licking my hand, being the exact comfort that  I deeply needed.

As I stroked Arlos long fluffy fur my mom explained."Don't worry honey.. I know how connected you are to Arlo so I made sure to get him before your dad did." my mom said.

Immediately I embraced my mom in a hug. Though I soon regretted it quickly. seeing how I despise hugs unless it's from someone like my crush or something. I just don't like the squeezing and attempting to get closer to someone physically.

"I'm sorry for what Dad did Mom. I love you." I said for the first time since I was 6. This was one of the only times my mom wasn't drunk. And seeing how she melted and acted like the happiest person in the world after I said that. I knew she wouldn't drink for a long time.

"Wait, Mom. If Dad sold the house. Where are we?" I questioned.

To which she answered happily unknowing that it sent panic threw me. "Were at my old friends Ninguang and Beidou's place! They are letting us stay for a few years meanwhile I get a job to buy the house back."

Oh. oh shit.. hes here.

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