Prologue 🌻

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I received a call from my father telling me that my stepmother and stepbrother were sick. Caught this virus that had been spreading across the whole country. News stations covering it all. I woke to what the outcome would be for them but I still packed up and made the journey back to the farm. The home I spent my whole life in until I turned 18.

My boyfriend Damien wanted to take the next step in our lives, living together. So we both scrounged up any money we had for months and months, until we put both savings together to pay for a home of our own.

It was just another farm on the other side of town, I didn't want to move too far from my family in case one day they needed me or i needed them. Damien wasn't happy about it and he always threw that in my face when we fought but I couldn't care.

It was times like this that I was glad i didn't move across country, now was a time that my family needed me and I was going to be there. Damien unwillingly came with me, and as much to my father's disappointment seeing him upon arrival. I knew I wasn't going to hear the end of it.

Seeing my younger sisters faces, brighten my mood right away. Maggie came home from college only moments prior, as for Beth I couldn't even begin to imagine the emotions she must feel right now. It is her mother after all. Maggie and I went through something like this with our own mother, only at least she wouldn't come back from the dead unlike Annette. My father's new wife.

I remember being so angry with him when he remarried, I was cruel and disrespectful towards him and Annette. I refused to accept her. But yet every time I ended up on the floor after being on Damien's wrong side my father and Annette were right the by my side as much as I tried to refuse their help.

After all these years I still regret how I treated my new mother and yet she still forgave me and now we were losing her and her son Shawn, my stepbrother. He was another who stuck by me through all the hard times, the shit I put each and everyone of them through and yet I stay with Damien.

I might as well kick them all in the teeth while I chose to stay with him after all the years of mistreatment, all the years that I've been told to leave, and the promises I made to do so but yet I was to afraid to. It wasn't fair on them and yet I allow them to suffer through me, my father's disappointment always made clear to me whenever I visited them.

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