Chapter 1 🌻

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It's been a couple of months since we've lost Shawn and Annette, my stepbrother and stepmother. My dad still believes that they're sick, locking them among others in the barn. No matter how many times I screamed at him that they were dead, that there's no way to bring either of them back. Just empty shells of the people they looked like but who they were was gone. Forever. He didn't want to listen. Otis and his wife Patricia, the family friends, were staying with us now. they arrived not long after I did a few months back. Beth's boyfriend Jimmy was also staying with us much to my father's dismay, but I guess Jimmy was better than Damien in more ways than one so that was something.

Still didn't change the mind of my religious father. Although we all knew Beth wouldn't be stupid enough to make the same mistakes that I made at her age. That's what led me to Damien and now look at me, I'm as good as the dead that walks around.

Otis went out earlier, I'm guessing to see if he could at least bring back a buck or something good either way. He would've been back by now, "Dad!" Maggie alerted, running back into the house. I ran out to the porch, followed by everyone else except Damien he was too busy doing absolutely nothing like usual, to see what alerted my sister. In the distance there was a man running towards us as he held what appeared to be a child in his arms. I kept hold of my knife tightly, ready for anything. I wasn't sure who this person was or his intentions.

"Was he bit?" My father questioned, with a stern concerned look written all over his face as the words left his mouth. "Shot. By your man!" The stranger called back with distress in their voice. "Otis?" I hear Patricia question the stranger with a shocked voice.

"He said to find Hershel, is that you?" The unknown man questioned. My father walked straight up to the man "Help me. Help my boy." I heard him beg to my father. "get him inside." My dad instructed, we all followed his directions immediately knowing the situation at hand was serious.

"Patricia, I need my full kit."



"Painkillers, coagulates... grab everything."

"Savvy, help your sister, clean towels, sheets, alcohol." He instructed. I didn't say a word, I just followed his instructions. I ran all over the place grabbing every item that was needed, helping Maggie in the process.

We sprinted straight into the room my father was in, straight away doing what was necessary. The man kept questioning if the young boy was alive, as he pulled a pillowcase off the pillow then following the instructions my father gave him. "I've got a heartbeat. It's faint." My father stated, as he listened through the stethoscope he placed on the young boy's chest.

"Maggie IV."

"We need some space." Maggie told the man. "Your name?" My father questioned him.



"I-I'm Rick." The man now known as Rick stuttered. "Rick, we're gonna do everything we can okay?" My father reassured.

"You need to give us some room."

"Now." I watched Rick slightly hesitate, so I lightly grabbed his arm and guided him out of the room.


I overheard Rick telling my father that Lori who I assumed to be his wife didn't know. Didn't know that their son had been shot. He wanted to go look for her. My dad was doing the best he could with the condition that the boy was in. 6 fragments and so far my dad could only get one.

The men walked out of the room leaving Patricia and my father to finish what they needed to do. We all looked at them with worried eyes, hoping for something positive. "he's stable for now." The second man whose name I learned was Shane muttered to us as Rick still looked distraught.

"Savannah!" I heard Damien call. I looked to Maggie and rolled my eyes before I got up to see what the princess may have wanted. "What is it?" I questioned sweetly, trying not to grit my teeth as I spoke to him. Since this whole pandemic started, I've began to find new strength in myself. I had the strength to leave him now, but I didn't know how or when the best time would be.

Before he even answered, I noticed Maggie getting ready to head out as well as Otis and Shane. I walked away to find out what I had already missed for something that was probably stupid anyways. "don't you walk away from me girl!" I heard Damien yell at me as I continued to walk away.

"Hey Mags what's going on? I was gone for a couple seconds and something's already happening." I questioned, my accent being thicker than anyone else in my family. "Dad needs a respirator and among other things, to be able to get the rest of those fragments as Carl needs to go under, so Otis is going to the high school with Shane to retrieve it." Maggie explained. I looked her up and down knowing she was also planning on doing something. "okay... and you?"


"where are you going?" I questioned.

"Oh uh..." She seemed hesitant to tell me. I couldn't understand why. "Savannah!" I heard Damien call again. He had been repeatedly screaming my name the entire time I was speaking to Maggie which mind you hasn't been that long. "whatever it is that you want do it your damn self!" I yelled back, as I then rolled my eyes with annoyance. I was beginning to get irritated. He never did a thing for himself and now that we were stuck here, surviving together. I didn't know how much longer that I could take it. I had already decided that I wasn't going to be his personal slave anymore no matter what consequences that may come from it.

"So are you gonna answer me now?"

"I'm heading out to find Rick's wife. He wants her here and in the know. So I volunteered to go find her." Maggie finally explained.

"Well then I'm coming with ya. I'm not letting you run around those woods alone." I stated, immediately walking out of the house and to the stables to prepare my horse for the ride ahead. I knew that Maggie was capable of doing it herself , I just needed to get out the house and away from him.


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