Chapter 2: Sing for me

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"Mmf. Uunh!" Minister Riddle's father struggled as the taller man devoured his lips harshly. The man's large palms covered a half of his father's small waist, and his long fingers grasped and tugged at the white shirt, pulling it out of the waistband that hugged his father's hips.

Myrtle bit her lip to stop a gasp escaping. Was the Minister... was he actually doing that sort of thing with his own father?

"Tom! Stop that!" The Minister's father berated as he finally pushed his son away. He was still encircled in Riddle's looming hold, but their lips were now separated. The man panted, his face red as a ripe tomato, but he kept his palm on Riddle's chest, holding him off a short distance that would be futile if his son chose to close the gap again.

"I thought you weren't coming home until tomorrow?" The man continued to pant, his lips clearly swollen from Riddle's enthusiasm.

"Oh, Mother, I couldn't bear the thought of being separated from you another day, so I had the festivities cut short," Riddle crooned. "Why? Are you not pleased with this surprised? You couldn't be thinking of leaving, could you? Of course not, my sweet mother wouldn't be doing anything so naughty, would he?" There was now a dangerous lilt to his voice as he pressed closer to his father -

No. Wait. Myrtle stared at the two figures, stunned. Riddle had said... Riddle said... but it didn't make sense? That man was clearly a-a man. And he had introduced himself as Riddle's father, hadn't he?

"I couldn't leave even if I tried," Riddle's mother grumbled, "you made sure of that."

"So I did, my lovely Harry." Riddle lowered in his head and captured his mother's lips hungrily again. "However, just the mere thought of you leaving as you had so many times in the past makes me sad. So very sad," Riddle continued, steering the other man towards the large bed that occupied the room as he spoke. "Will my mother not deign to comfort me? Will he not kiss away my insecurities so sweetly and spread his legs wide to welcome me back into his body?"

"Tom!" The other man - Harry - sounded flustered. "Don't say that!"

"Oh Mother you're too easily embarrassed. There's nothing shameful in loving and doting on your son," Minister Riddle said with a wicked grin as he shoved the other onto the bed.

Myrtle winced as she saw and heard the fabric ripped from Harry's body. Minister Riddle, who always looked so elegant, so put together at all the public events, was now slavering like a rabid beast as he feasted his eyes on the naked body of his mother.

"Tom, please, not tonight," Harry pleaded.

"I will have you any night I please, Mother," Riddle shook his head as he crouched over Harry and began lapping at his nipples. "Ah!" Harry gasped, his back arching off the bed in a sensual curve.

"So sensitive." Riddle chuckled as he continued to mouth, suck and pull at the two small peaks on Harry's chest. "It's been a while since I had your milk, Mother. I'll have to cook up a fresh batch of potions later."

"No, Tom, you know I hate that!" Harry said between moans.

Myrtle had both hands covering her mouth. She had a clear view of from where she hid. She really should go. Now. Transform back into her animagus form and quickly leave the scene. She had more than enough for a story, if... if such a thing could even be written about. But somehow, it was as if her feet were glued to the floor, her eyes fixed upon the unholy union taking place before her. This riveting debauchery. She could not turn away if she wanted.

The Minister was fingering his mother. His long fingers that Myrtle had so admired when they were in school were now shoved into his mother's ass, plunging roughly and stretching the tight hole between lightly muscled legs that were pushed up to the man's chest. And then, Riddle pushed those legs further apart as he spelled his own clothes away and settled upon the rounded cheeks of the other man.

"There was an opera singer tonight. Invited just for the Ministry's event," Riddle said as if he was in the middle of normal conversation, "but her singing couldn't be compared to yours, Mother."


"I do miss it, those stories you used to tell me when you tucked me into bed. Or the songs you would sing for me when I couldn't fall asleep. Sing for me again, Mother." As Riddle finished speaking, he gripped the man's thighs roughly and aggressively, violently thrust into his mother, bottoming out in one motion.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!" Harry screamed. "Tom!! No!"

Riddle began a punishing rhythm, pounding so hard and wildly into his mother's ass that the large bed rocked and knocked against the wall loudly. "Ah! Ahhh! Ahh!" Harry cried out, as he struggled to receive his son's vigorous fucking. Myrtle could see the large, long cock swallowed again and again into the reddened ring of muscles, relentlessly driving into flesh with wet, slapping sounds. She could not imagine how deeply into Harry's body that monstrous cock must have reached. Carving a path relentlessly into a body much smaller than its owner. It wasn't long before Riddle's mother came, spurting out streams of cum, but Riddle kept going.

"Uhh uhh! Uhh! No! Uhhh.. mmphhh!" The bed continued to rock and the air was filled with gasps, groans, moans, shocked screams, little whimpers and whines from Harry. At times, the man made some pleas for Riddle to slow down that were always cut off and turned into choked sounds by the particularly violent thrusts Riddle dealt to his mother.

Myrtle kept watching through the night, riveted. She watched as Harry could no longer cum, and white fluid dripped from pooled around his ass. His hole no longer closing even when Riddle pulled out fully, just to push in again in one go. As dawn broke, Minister Riddle began to finally slow down from fucking the limp body of his mother. She watched as the Minister took a large plug and slipped it into his mother, stoppering the flow of cum that leaked from his ass. She watched as Harry weakly raised his arms and was swept into a tender hug from the beastly creature that had plundered and ravaged the body of his own mother. She watched as Harry spoke softly, barely enough for her to catch the words "I love you, Tom", and lightly stroking the back of his son as if Riddle was the one who needed comfort. And the monster replied with a fervent "yes, yes mine. You will always be mine, Mother, for all eternity."

And she watched as Harry was tucked gently into bed, the covers drawn over his form and Riddle stood and turned around, walking ever closer to where she hid.

Then there was a wicked curve of lips, menacing red eyes, a flash of green light, and she knew no more.

I've finished it! Hope you enjoyed the smut.
/wipes sweat

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