"So where's Joel?" Lily asked me as we both sat on the sofa in our apartment. "I'm pretty sure he's just getting some food for us" I lied.

"I'm not stupid you know." Lily said.

"what?" I looked at her. "I know what you guys do. You smuggle shit in and all that" she explained.

"I- what no" I took a sip of water. "y/n. Please you don't need to lie to me, I'm old enough" she said taking my water bottle out of my hands.

"look, we're just trying to protect you. Joel and I are bad people. You're not, and we don't want you to become like us." I sighed trying to explain to the young girl in front of me.

"but I wouldn't-" lily gets cut off by Joel walking through the front door. we both look at him silently.

"What's going on?" He asks. "She's knows" I lower my head.

"knows what?" He questions. "She knows we're shitty people Joel." I sigh.

"oh" he takes a seat across from us. "Lily, we don't like the things we do, but we do it to get by, to support us, to support you." He explains, lily nods.

"honey can I talk to you?" Joel stands up. "yeah" I follow him to the next room and close the door.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't keep lying to her. Plus she practically figured it out herself" I told him.

"It's fine, anyway. Tommy still hasn't responded, it's been 3 weeks and I'm starting to worry." He tells me. "3 weeks? Joel he usually responds within a day."

"that's exactly why I'm worried. Look the tower we've been contacting through is in Wyoming."

"Wyoming? Joel are you thinking of-"

"we just need to get that truck battery and we'll be there in no time" he says. "are you sure you wanna do this?"

"y/n if we don't get to Tommy soon, he's gonna die out there." he says in a worried tone. "okay, okay. We'll go".

All we needed to do was get the truck battery off Robert, and we'd be on our way to Wyoming.

Joel and I exited the bedroom and entered the kitchen area where lily still sat.

"lily, go pack your backpack, we've decided we're going to Wyoming first thing tomorrow morning" Joel tells her.

"what? Why?" She asks.

"We haven't heard back from Tommy in 3 weeks, we're getting worried" I explain to her.

"oh okay, yeah that's fine. I'll be in my room if you need me" she leaves.

"you think she's up for this?" I ask Joel. "I hope so" he says walking away.

The Story Of Us - TLOU (Joel x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now