Chapter 1

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"It's been 2 past half you remember?"
  I talk to the air as i see his pictures burn. The fire blazing, swallowing his head first...his broad shoulders..his two piece suit...
     "spalshh!!" I throw the bucket in the air causing it to land with a huge 'thudd' on the ground before rolling over to the side; the water is now splashed across the surface.
"I can't. I can't she-devil. If it's a test of mine, i failed miserably. I'm so sor-"
i kneel down, my fingers touching the remnants of his picture now turned into ashes. Tears roll down my cheeks. Heat scalding from my back as the memories blur my vision. Black hovers my fingertips as i rub the soft powder. My eyes slowly drifting to a piece that the fire couldn't touch. Or..i didn't want it to.. my eyes are a massive  red by now as I gather my wits to pick up the piece.
"What am I going to do with his legs?" I grin, it's a wicked grin. Someone witnessing all that I've caused might be the last thing I want to happen.
  I don't want anyone to stick a label on my forehead and say "she's a fucking psycho!!".
Though what I've just done, is near psychotic!
My psychiatrist may get a mild heart attack if not a severe migraine; or both!

She seems to be a bit sensitive, by her looks. Though she had survived the death of her husband because of covid or the need to switch jobs after 20 years of service, she endured it herself. So it'll be a little harsh to call her sensitive. I just meant, you can't judge by her looks.
she smells like sweets, the one with a lot of sugar in it. A smile graces her face every time you see her. She's a sweetheart.
  Though I'm not really comfortable with her. Her young bloke is our sport's captain so there's always been a doubt of her spilling our secrets to him. How-so-ever, she promises not to.
It's just a deal. You pay the school fees, and you get her services for free.
aren't we lucky enough to get her work in our school?. Sorry, correction: aren't we lucky enough to get her services for free?


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