Part 1

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Welp you can guess this is a renegade au! Go check out my other books aswell if you have the time!

Renegade pov:

Ugh, Slade had assigned me this stupid mission. It was meant to be easy! Just watch over Penguins's weapons trade and leave. But no! The stupid bat and his kiddie league had to be there at the same time ?UGH!- Wait I should probably give you context.

✨ F L A S H B A C K ✨

I swiftly landed on top of the weapons truck when the guards started shooting at me. "THE HELL?!" I yelled in fake surprise, I knew they'd do this of course. They are fools after all.

"UGH EVERYONE STOP IM HERE TO PROTECT YOUR STUPUD SHIPMENT." The firing ceased 'hm, guess I handled that well' I smirked.

"Fools, Deathstroke sent me" I told them all being as brief as possible. "DEATHSTROKE ?? As in-" one of the goons screeched and I actually winced, the only sign being a crease in my black and orange domino mask. "No Deathstroke the candy man. OF COURSE ITS HIM YOU IMBECILE!"

'There. That shut them up.' I smirked. Penguin hobbled into the room soon after. "Hiya Ozzie!!" I beamed, but in reality I hated the man. He just annoyed me for some reason. Don't ask why.

"I told you to stop calling me that brat." Oz replied. "Whatever Ozzie~" what? it was how I tormented him all these years. I enjoyed it very much.
"Stupid brat. I don't see what Deathstroke sees in you. Tch, just protect my shipment."

Of course, always about work. "Jeez, what's a guy gotta do to have some fun around here, no worries I'll protect your little trade."

Skip to when the trade was happening. I'm lazy ok
3rd pov:

'Ugh this is so boring'  renegade thought. He was sitting on a ledge way above the trade in the dark, the night vision Slade added to his goggles helped. He tended not to use it much, claiming he ate many carrots as a kid and didn't need it. Slade made sure he was safe despite his harsh nature.

He sensed something in the shadows behind him and spun around drawing his swords to come in contact with an arrow. 'Hm, this isn't the same as Oliver's arrows so who..?' He knew this by his many encounters with the justice league. He still remembers getting one of Oliver's arrows stuck in his side.

'Ah I see.' He recalled a recon team from the lights discussions. "The kiddy league huh? Let me guess. Was it Artemis? Or red arrow.." he asked himself. Not expecting an answer.

The team didn't answer as he suspected. He knew they were there though. Looking down slightly he found a shadow taking out penguins henchmen. He can't have that now can he?

Leaping down silently he landed on the shadows shoulder. Recognising it as Batman. The second his feet came in contact with the bats shoulder he sprung a meter away, getting into a stance.

"Leave. NOW! Tell penguin his trade will have to continue another day. You being here is just a liability! " When no one moved he got a gun from its holster on his left thigh and shot it at the leader of the goons' foot. "THAT WASN'T A QUESTION. Do you want me to kill you?" The remaining men left so that left him, the bat, and the kiddie league who have yet to reveal themselves.

Renegade pov:

"HIYA BATSY!" I beamed. "Renegade. Stand down. This isn't a battle you will win." Tch buzzkill. "How come you brought the kiddie league to our play date? Isn't it past their bedtimes?" I questioned no doubt he could hear the smirk in my voice.

Renegade ||birdflash||Where stories live. Discover now