" Finally you start to connect the dots. "

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[Warning bad stuff and blah blah blah blah blah.]

Soviet who had a massive hung over.He had so many alcohol last night,he groaned as he scrambled out of his bed to go check up on RSFSR.after checking up in his kids he got ready to his truce meeting to make sure Reich still wants peace with him.Soviet quickly got out of the house and started to walk to reich's mansion.

Soviet arrived at reich's mansion.Soviet wasn't comfortable with very fancy stuff.He hesitated to open the huge doors. He walked in and said loudly " Hello!! Anyone here? Someone show me where reich's office is!! Please and thank you! " Soviet quickly turned his head and saw Reich grinning,walking towards him. Soviet looked down at the smaller country.he smiled warmly before following Reich to his office.

" Hallo my friend! Welcome to my office,you haven't been in this one yet! " Reich He smiled devilishly.soviet felt uncomfortable he replied coldly. " Hello,w-where is my seat? " he stuttered yawning slightly before he felt a sharp pain in the back of his head,he groaned as he saw reich holding a metal bat.Soviet fell over landing on the side of his face and belly on the floor.

After a few hours Soviet woke up,he saw he was tied to a chair and saw a familiar face.Soviet saw Reich sitting on a couch and reading the newspaper while drinking tea.Soviet yelled harshly " W-WHERE AM I? And why am I here Reich! I THOUGHT WE HAD A TRUC-.." Soviet quickly started to connect the dots.He remembers Reich muttering some stuff and when Reich muttered invade, Soviet was aware and suspicious.Soviet remembered that as he finally finished connecting the dots and gave Reich a feared and turbulent glare.

Reich laughed historically and yelled happily while laughing; " YOU- HAHHAA YOU FINALLY CONNECTED THE DOTS!! HAHHA!! About time sovy!! " Reich gave him that nickname,Reich knew soviet hated that nickname. Soviet was squirming in the chair trying to break loose.but he failed miserably.he looked at reich with fury. Soviet yelled " ПОХУЙ ТЫ!! Чертов нацист..[FUCK YOU!! Damn Nazi..] "

Reich grinned,his sharp teeth wishing to bite soviet's neck,Reich imagined on how the blood would go everywhere,and soviet begging for mercy. Reich wanted that to happen,so he is going to bite into Soviets neck.

Reich went closer grinning,he went so close he was able to feel Soviets cold breath evaporate onto reich's warm body.Soviet was startled to tried to back away but failed,so he lifted his head trying to get away from Reich.that just gave Reich a better advantage.Reich quickly but his neck,showing no mercy. His sharp teeth sinking into Soviets neck.Soviet groaned before yelling in pain. Soviet screamed " R-REICH WHAT ARE YOU DOING? PLEASE STOP!!"
Reich didn't listen and continued to dig in deeper.his top row of teeth almost meeting up with reich's bottom row of teeth.

Soviet screamed in pain almost tearing up " REICH PLEASE,STOP!! PLEASE I BEG YOU FOR MERCY!!! MERCY PLEASE!! HAVEN'T YOU EVER HEARD OF MERCY?!! PLEASE I BEG YOU TO STOP!!! REICH PLEASE!! " Reich was satisfied he stopped and grinned,his rage was still high wanting to torture him more.he saw the blood coming from Soviets neck.Soviet was very dizzy he was about to pass out from blood loss.but then he saw
Reich grab a cigarette,reich doesn't smoke. He lit the cigarette and put Soviets sleeve up,he put the lit part of the cigarette on Soviets arm.

Soviet gritted his teeth,he groaned, his hands held onto the  arm rest of the chair.Soviet groaned loudly. He looked at Reich with rage in his eyes.blood was everywhere.Soviet finally pass out from blood loss.

621 WORDS NOICE well ima make the second part. BY LOVELIES.

" So many incidents. "Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora