1. Birthday

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You live in a small town called Storybrooke, you were about to fall asleep when you heard your door open and your parents started singing 'happy birthday'.

They closed the door behind them, hoping to not wake your siblings up since they needed their sleep, 'Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you.. Happy birthday dear Y/N, happy birthday to you!' your mom sang as your dad sang with. 

They handed you a cupcake with a small candle in it and a little present, you blew out the candle and made a small wish.

'Thank you guys so much!' You said happily, your parents decided to sit down on your bed next to you hand give you a small gift.

'Here you go, sweetie. I hope you like this gift, it was extremely hard to find' Your mom said as you started opening the gift.

You stare at a small glittery box after unwrapping the paper, being as excited as you are you decided to show a big smile.

You opened the little box, inside of it was a beautiful necklace. You have been wishing for ages to get this necklace and you finally got it.

'Oh my gosh! I can't believe my eyes! You got me a pan flute necklace?! I have been hoping every single day to get this necklace, thank you guys so much!' Happy tears were flowing down your cheecks as you hug both of your parents tightly at the same time. 

You immedietly put it on and look at yourself in the mirror, it made you feel super confident.

Ever since you heard about Peter Pan and his Pan Flute, you have been obessed with him. Of course you knew he was bad, and you wouldn't want to meet him but you just love him.

'Where did you guys buy this?' You asked as you looked them in the eyes, hoping they would tell you.

'We bought it at Rumplestiltskin's store, it was the only one he had left and he said we could buy it as a gift for you and he even wrote a special note just for you.' Your mother said as she gave you the note.

Rumple wrote a sweet note to you, which had also included a few things about the actual Peter Pan.

'Dear Y/N, I hope you have an amazing 19th birthday and this necklace is a bit special because it's the only one that exists here in Storybrooke. This necklace was made long before you were even born, and I know you are obsessed with the Pan flute and Peter Pan. Of course I remember you said that you would never meet him if you got the chance to, but just remember if you ever encounter him.. Please watch out, he may be hiding a few traps here and there. Don't talk back to him, and don't fuck around. He is more powerful than you think, he is like a sly fox. Be careful, he may come visit Storybrooke soon enough and he is trying to find someone to come with him to Neverland. If he ever asks you, don't go with him. Best wishes, Rumplestiltskin'.

Wow, he warned me because he cares about saftey of others even after his past. What a respectful guy he is. 

You closed the letter and left it on your bedside table and said goodnight to your parents as they left the room closing the door behind. You had just fallen asleep, but woke up to the sound of a Pan flute.

'Oh shit, only lost boys are able to hear the flute. Am I going to be one of them?' You said to yourself quietly, then you suddenly stop hearing it.

You walk up to you window, opening it and decided to stick your head outside the window. You lost your balance, making you fall down. 

You lived on the second floor and the height difference from the window and the ground was pretty big, as you were falling down you were preparing for either death or broken bones when all of a sudden something catched you.

'Are you okay?' The person asked you as you two were flying in the air together--

You looked up and saw that it was Peter Pan who was holding you, bridal way. You immedietly blushed and looked away, 'yeah, I'm fine. Uh, thank you for catching me..' 

He chuckled and carried you into your room, closed the window and sat on the bed next to you. 'Mr. Pan, it's a pleasure to meet you. My name is-'

You get interuppted by him, making you a bit mad but you stay calm. 'Y/N, I know. I've seen you around everywhere, happy 19th birthday'.

You blushed, right when you two were about to kiss your alarm went off and waking you up, making you realize that it was all a dream.

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