Help Me Get Into The Piano

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At the end of the day, member after member snuck into the auditorium. First Olaf, (although he spent most of his time there) then Bertrand, Beatrice and Lemony, Larry, the Snicket twins, Jacquelyn, and finally Montgomery Montgomery, carrying a lizard on his shoulder.

"I found him outside!" Monty said, excitedly showing the lizard to his friends. "Cool!" Bertrand said, adjusting his glassses and looking at it closer. "Put that frog back outside Montgomery-" Olaf said, wrinkling his nose "It's gross and slimy." Monty glared at Olaf and drew himself up to his full height (which was not very tall) "For your information-" he said "This is a lizard, a reptile. Frogs are amphibians. And it's amphibians who are slimy, not reptiles!" Olaf rolled his eyes "Whatever." 

"When is Ishmael getting here?" Lemony asked, stepping forward. "Is he getting here?" Beatrice asked. "It's been quite a while-" Jacques shrugged. "Well, if old Ish isn't coming, we should have some fun!" Olaf grinned evilly. "What exactly are you thinking of-" said Larry who was a few grades above. "This is ridiculous." Said Jacquelyn. She walked off to a corner and opened up a big book to read. Larry went off to join her. The Snickets walked off somewhere as well. 

"Looks like it's just us then." Monty said. "So what do you guys want to do?" Beatrice asked. Olaf pulled a camera out from behind his back. "Look what I have!" He said excitedly. "You stole that from the photography lab!" Bertrand accused, pointing. Olaf ignored him. "I have an idea," he said "come with me!" And walked up onto the stage. The others looked at each other, shrugged, and followed him.

Olaf was leading them through a door backstage. "What is this place?" Monty asked. "This" Beatrice said, "is the rehearsal room." The rehearsal room at Prufrock Preparatory School was a windowless room with floors that were polished smooth from all the people who had walked on it. There was a cracked and dirty mirror running along one wall with a ballet bar. But, in one corner-

"There it is." Olaf said, grinning from ear to ear. In the corner away from the mirror wall, there was an old grand piano. There was silence, then: "I don't get it. Do you want us to play the piano?" Monty asked. "Nooo-" Olaf said as if it was obvious why he brought them to a piano with a camera. "Well, then why?" Beatrice asked. "I've already seen the piano, you don't need to show it to me-" Olaf rolled his eyes and walked over to her. He whispered something in her ear. Soon, she had an evil grin to match his. She walked closer to the piano and looked at Bertrand.

"Help me get into the piano." She said "-Sorry?" Bertrand asked. "Help me. Get into the piano!" Beatrice said again, slower this time. Bertrand looked at Olaf in confusion, but Olaf only smiled encouragingly and gestured for him to go to the piano. Bertrand sighed. "You too Monty!" Olaf said, laughing a little. So, Monty and Bertrand joined Beatrice at the piano. First Bertrand made a step by interlocking his fingers together, and Beatrice stepped up onto the cradle, hoisting herself up and into the propped-open piano. A cacophony of noise sounded. "Shh!" Olaf chided. "Hey guys-" Bertrand worried as Monty helped him into the piano, "aren't you worried we're gonna break this thing?" "Nonsense!" Olaf said, waving his hand. "It's so out of tune, no one's gonna notice if we make it worse." Bertrand shook his head and climbed into the piano. 

When Bertrand was halfway in, Olaf took a selfie with the camera. The picture ended up being a blurry shot of the top of Olaf's head, the tips of his fingers doing a peace sign, Beatrice's eyes peeking out of the piano, and Bertrand's legs sticking out of it while Monty helped to boost him up. "Beautiful." Olaf said, even though he hadn't seen the photo yet. "That one's a keeper!"

Bertrand and Beatrice had finally pulled Monty up into the piano. "NOW I'M GONNA SHUT THE LID!" Olaf shouted "What? NO!" Bertrand  said, panicking. Beatrice laughed. "Too late!" Olaf grinned, and that was the last thing the three kids saw before they were plunged into darkness. "OK I'M GONNA TAKE THE PICTURE NOW!" Olaf called loudly to be heard through the grand piano lid. Stepping far enough away to get a good shot, Olaf carefully positioned the camera, holding it still- and taking a picture. The camera clicked. "It's perfect-" he breathed. Then, straightening up, he shouted "YOU CAN GET OUT OF THE PIANO NOW!" a muffled sound came from under the lid. "WHAT?" He yelled. He walked over to the piano, opening the lid. "You have to speak up, I can't hear you with the lid closed!" Bertrand sat up, glaring. "I was telling you to open the-! Never mind." "Did you get a good picture Olaf?" Monty asked "I don't know yet," Olaf answered "but I think so! We'll find out soon enough."

And so, the four friends walked off, out of the piano, out of the rehearsal room, out of the theater, to get their photos developed. It was a very good no-mentor meeting.

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