Prologue: The Trip to The Hatter Party #1

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Dear Trip, we hope this letter gets to you on time. It is my utmost respect that we are glad to invite you to the Hatter Party and Award Ceremony as the Ultimate Investigator. Your achievements to expose corrupt companies and make the world better definitely shook the entire world.

Go to your nearest airport in 5 days, at the time the letter arrives at your place, the pilot will be carrying the symbol of our company and your name. You will arrive at our private island and will be staying there for 3 days.

Do not bring your personal belongings, anything you need will be given to you.

We are glad to invite you again to our humble abode.

From, The Hatter Family.

In front of me was something I wasn't expecting. A written letter in an envelope with a red wax seal. The seal on it was a hat, the logo of one of the most well-known companies.

I was less surprised and more intrigued. I got it directly to me when I was in an office that isn't connected to any address. It also wasn't sent to me in my personal PO box, which they should've done. If they found my place, then I was impressed. People could meet in person in front of me, but they would have to find me with clues.

Sometimes, I like to have fun with people, some fans, some actual clients, it's all the day's work of a bored investigator.


I should introduce myself again. My name is Trip, the Ultimate Investigator.

Where were we...?

The party, yes.

I had to wait for a few days till the plane would come around, but after a week, I was ready to go. I ignored the message to not bring anything to it. I believed that they would give anything, but I didn't want to burden them with what seemed like a short visit. I had clothes, some toiletries, and some other stuff all packed up in a small case. I wore civilian clothes, but I would change into my "costume" when we landed and had the party. I wanted to look good in front of everyone.

I wasn't sure if the airport I was meant to go to was a public, private, or even an abandoned one, but I trusted the nearest airport was where they were

It was a public airport, but it was an area where you stored personal airplanes and practiced flying them. On the runway was a brown and white jet, with the hat logo on the side of it. There was a guy, with tan skin and a bright smile. He was holding a sign that had my name and the symbol, like the ones you would see when they arrive at the airport and are trying to find them.

"Hello!" he gleefully said. He shook my hand gleefully.

"My name is John Sen, I'll be flying with you to the party."

"Nice to meet you," I said, taking his hand.

John slowly looked down to the right of me, my suitcase. His face looked with confusion and his mouth stiffened into a line.

"Oh, I know, but I trust my stuff more than what they would give me."

"I..." John was silent for a moment, but he went back to his chipper self, "That makes sense, I think we have room for it above the seats, you can put them there!"

"Thanks." I walked up the stairs to the airplane. I felt uneasy now, and the plane ride didn't seem worth it. John might have wanted the Ultimates to obey the wishes of the family, but it shouldn't be that bad, right?

The plane was clean and simple, with plush seats, and a wide walking place. In the middle was a small bar and TV.

I was the first one here, the plane silent and empty. I took my suitcase and put it on top of the seats, and sat down.

Soon, the plane began to fly up in the air, where it soon met with the blue sky.

When the plane leveled out, the speaker went off.

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