Prologue: The Trip to The Hatter Party #2

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When we turned around the corner from a bunch of trees, someone dashed from us, almost knocking me down.

"Hey!" I shouted, but he continued on. He was holding a bunch of coconuts which looked oddly familiar.

In the distance, I heard, "Get back here merde!" Over in the distance, Darren was running to catch the runner, three other people following him with one of them trying to grab onto Darren.

"Can you guys stop!" a girl chased from behind, clearly getting winded. She had dark brown hair and hazel eyes. She had a slight Russian accent and she wore all black, with a coat, shirt, boots, and gloves.

"S'il vous plaît, nous courons depuis si longtemps" I recognized it was French, but I wasn't sure what was said. She had dark skin and locs and wore a bandana on her head. She looked like a model for a magazine, her outfit perfectly complemented each other.

"Those coconuts are ours!" His voice sounded like a gremlin, which made me confused. He was in a mechanics outfit, but his tools didn't match him. He was tan and had short black hair, his eyes had a golden tint to it.

Before I could react, Oliver ran off to the pursuer and managed to capture him. Oliver was surprisingly strong, he was able to grab his collar and hold him away from the ground so he wouldn't move. The held person had a captain's uniform, white and clean, and a captain's hat to tie it all together. He was still holding the coconuts which seemed to stack in his arms.

"What did you do?" Oliver said like the person was a student that bullied someone.

"He was stealing them for himself!"

When Darren and the other three got up. Darren tried to grab him, "This guy just snatched all the coconuts I've been collecting!"

He proceeded to throw French words at him that I didn't understand, although the girl with locs seemed to be shocked.

Then, everyone began to talk over one another. The mechanic guy tried to steal the coconuts and I tried to stop him. The girl in the black outfit began to talk of the stealer, saying that it wasn't fair. The locs girl seemed to be confused and whispered languages to herself, probably translating. With only 7 people around, it managed to get louder and louder. Oliver was clearly trying to say something, but his voice didn't raise. Until...

"Everyone be quiet!" Oliver shouted. It was the first time he yelled, and it was super clear. Everyone in the group stopped talking and waited for Oliver to say something like he was a teacher.

"Thank you," his voice was rough, but his vocals seemed to calm down, "Can the both of you, calm down?" He pointed at Darren and the captain, who looked like they were about to fistfight.

"You," he pointed at the captain, "why did you steal the coconuts from Darren?"

"He was trying to keep it all to himself!" The captain growled, "He had 50 of them already!"

"I didn't say I was gonna keep them, I just put them there so I could keep count!" Darren argued.

They argued again, both talking about rules and listening with the occasional insult. The rest just looked at the group, the tan guy saying, "Fight, fight, fight!" to not make it so silent.

In the end, Oliver managed to separate them, leaving them 30 feet apart from each other.

"Geez, they didn't want to stop," he walked over to the four of us, rubbing his head, "They were about to give me a bloody headache."

"That was impressive!" the blonde girl gleamed, "I thought they were gonna fight for a sec."

"Well, that's what I do mostly for a living. Children are sometimes a pain in the neck when they fight." He held out his hand, "My name's Oliver. I'm the Ultimate Child Caregiver."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2023 ⏰

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