{6}~ Back to reality

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𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓾𝓷𝓽𝓸𝓵𝓭 𝓽𝓻𝓾𝓽𝓱...♡

*Acacia's POV*
It's been about 3 days since I've been to school. I've done nothing but lay in bed, cry, stuff my face, and watch Netflix. I feel really bad for skipping school like this but I haven't mentally been there lately.

I decided that I'll definitely go to school tomorrow cause at this rate I'm probably very behind. After all it is time to finally snap back to reality. Tomorrow is Friday anyway so it shouldn't be that hard and if anything I'll just leave early.

It was about 9:00pm and I had started to get tired. I decided to get some sleep cause I'll be waking up early tomorrow. I really dreaded going to school but it was for the best.

*The next morning*
I once again sadly woke up to my loud obnoxious alarm. I must've set the wrong time cause I was really late. I didn't care though they should be gracious I'm even coming.

Even though it was only my second day coming to school I was already sick of it.  I considered staying home an extra day cause I was already late but I knew it was gonna be a bad idea.

I forced myself out of bed, into the shower, and did my regular morning routine. I made sure to check on Lola as always and give her some food.

After looking at myself in the mirror I realized that I looked horrible. My face looked very pale, my eyes were stained red, and a bit puffy from all the nonstop crying I've been doing. I also had dark eye bags that formed under my eyes from lack of sleep. I didn't really care though it's not like I was there to impress anyone.

I put my hair in a simple ponytail and put my glasses on in an attempt to cover my eyes. Even though it was about 80 degrees outside I put on an oversized hoodie and some huge grey joggers. I grab my bag and keys then head out to my car.

By the time I get to school it was already the middle of second period. I took a deep breath and walked into the school. As soon I felt the school air on my face I gagged. It's something about school air that's truly sickening.

I make my way to math class but not before stopping by my locker. I finally reach the door and I stopped for about a good 5 minutes not wanting to walk in. Before walking in I put my hood over my head as another attempt to not be noticed.

I take one more deep sigh before slowly walking in. "Ms.Hayes glad to see that your joining us today." My teacher says and I instantly feel the eyes of everyone in this class. "Yea." I mumbled before walking to the seat I sat in on the first day.

I completely forgotten about both Reese, kai, and all of their other friends till I saw them both stare at me when I took my seat.

"Hello Acacia." I hear Kai who was sitting next to me say. "It's been a while." Reese added. Did they not have anyone else to bother?

"Hi." I reply giving them the driest response I could.

"Damn you've seen better days." Reese adds and I give him a blank stare in response. Kai then punches him on his arm as an attempt to shut him up. "OW SORRY." He yells.

The class went on with the teacher teaching his lesson for the day. I was completely lost because he had mostly been talking about stuff they covered from previous days.

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