The train case 2...

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Somi and Haruka r talking a bit

"Haruka" (may I go to the bathroom)

"Somi" (of course! U may)

"Haruka" (I will go to play with some kids if I find some k?)

"Somi" (hmmm.....) she doesn't seem satisfied (fine my be ig..)

Haruka leaves with an uneasy feeling

She goes to look for xomino
In the muddle.of doing that she stoped

"Haruka" in her mind (.....maybe he well help?'s risky but....xomino...Okey...u can do it  haru!)

She goes and knocks on a door..

Zondo opens the door

"Zondo" (huh? Harumi, what's wrong? U look very worried and seem like ur holding back a bit of tears)

"Haruka" ( im fine, don't worry about me... but my aunt is missing! I can't find her.. Could u help me?l

"Zondo" (ah.....I'm not sure) he looks at the spelling moroni (....) He looks at her ( fine, I will help u  when was the last time u saw her?). He closes the door

"Haruka" (uh - before I fell asleep, I assume she went to walk around the trsin alone at midnight while me and somi were asleep)

"Zondo" (somi?  Who is that?)

"Haruka" ( she is my older sis! She also happened to be on the train when she found out we were here she came to us and stayed with us )

"Zondo" (hm... anything else?)

"Haruka" (xomin left this note)

she gives him the note


im not gonna be in the cabin with u for the rest of the ride. I kinda need some time alone without worrying about anything

"Zondo" (ur aunts name is xomin? It's very close to the betraying criminals' name!)

"Haruka" (grandma and grandpa r a fan of the betraying criminal   that's why they kinda named her after xomino  tho they forgot the O when writing her name once  and xomin seems like a cute show name eather way)

"Zondo" (ah...that cool?-  ig- )

"Haruka" (Tho the handwriting isn't xominos handwriting...her hand writing is a bit bad -  sometimes she can't even read her ownchand writing!     But the notes handwriting is smooth and very readable)

"Zondo" (u seem smarter than u look)

"Haruka" (hey, dont say that!!)

They both hear a scream from the end of the hallway

Zondo ran there while Haruka went to get Moroni

After a few mins, there r some random ppl around the dead body. Haruka is near zondo, and Moroni is investigating

"Zondo" (they seem to have been shot tho they didn't commit suicide even if the gun is in their hand, but still its not a's a quiet gun for sure, tho how?  We didn't hear anyone enter their room...)

Haruka stayed silent but is looking at the window

"Moroni" (what r u looking at huh?!) He grabs Haruka by the arm ( what r u even doing here?!)

"Haruka" (OW!  Uhhh- I was with zondo!!! And here cuz I have no watch me!)

"Zondo" (didn't u say ur older sis somi is here??)

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