im not ganna stand by.../im ganna fix this once and for all..

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{This is a 2 topic chapter
One is "im not ganna stand by"

And the other is " im ganna fix this once and for all"

Now onto the story!!}


{im not ganna stand by..}

[Back to the present time]

Haruka isn't able to focus at school due to what between her and xomino

Zondo notices Haruka is zoned out

[At lunch break]

Zondo goes to Haruka

"Zondo" (hey harumi u okey,? U seem to be zoned out and unable to focus on anything may I ask why?)

Haruka looks at him and she nods no

He hugs her

"Zondo" (Whats wrong?)

"Haruka" (xomin....I betrayed her...I did the only thing I promised to never do to her!!)

"Zondo" (but i don't understand ur a kid and she is an adult it won't make sence)

"Haruka" (thought the greatest high school detective luvano would find find out..)

Zondo seems shocked and trys to not blow up is cover

"Zondo" (w-what do u mean? I'm zondo not luvano!)

"Haruka" (don't lie idi-)

The bell cuts her off

She looks at him in the eyes

"Haruka" (its not ever mister luvano..)

[After the school day ended]

Both Haruka and zondo r walking home together since Haruka ofc lives with zondo and Moroni

"Haruka" (don't lie idiot ur the lost high-school detective luvano)

"Zondo" (proof ? I don't see any proof idiot)

"Haruka" (ever since he left zondo came and u have some devices that a professor who u know very well made for u like the voice changing bow)

"Zondo" (...and what r u ganna do sbt it?)

"Haruka" (I csn expose u plus I my self got shrunk as well.
xominf Is infact the betrayed criminal u have heard abt and I'm her friend haruka
tho I go by harumi due to my stupid shrunk body )

"Zondo" (aight but what brings xomino into this?!)

"Haruka" (u see ever since I met u u had fun with u and always wanted to please with u
making me forget xomino and our original plan and I want to judt get the cure and all, plus I found the one who turned us small)

"Zondo" (great!!! Who r they? I will repord the police to them and u and xomino)

Haruka pushes his head very hard making him fall and hit a pole and that made his head bleed

"Zondo" (OWWW WTF?!)

"Haruka" (u arrest them only and not me not xomino ....just forget me getting u a pill that makes ur return to ur normal self forver)

She runs away

Haruka has snuck in into the base of the black gand

And is trying to not get cought

She sees a very and decided to go through it

"Haruka" in her mind( ew- why the hell is it so dirty?)

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