The Sorting Ceremony

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Professor Fig poured the liquid contained in the medallion they had found in the last room of the vault into the basin. Lorelai was too shaken up to take the time to think about what was going on.

«Follow my lead» and he dipped his face in the water. Ruben indulged the professor without hesitation, as did Claire. She and Lorcan looked at each other uncertain, but in the end, he too followed the instructions. Lorelai stood still in her place. She did not understand the meaning of such an act. Without lifting his head, Lorcan began to gesture towards her, grabbed her hand and approached her to the water. She felt a shiver running through her back. She was so scared she could pass away in a second, but drowning herself... Bloody hell, she thought, and then soaked her. She had the absurd feeling that the liquid was not actually wetting her. She went like a veil from one surface to another.

A black smoke obscured her view. Slowly, it assumed the appearance of the same room they were in. They took shape from the steam of the male figures who conversed with each other.

«It will only be impossible for one who cannot see traces of ancient magic – as I can», said the bearded man dressed in old clothes. In her hesitation, Lorelai had missed the beginning of their speech.

«We're entrusting a dangerous legacy, Percival. Seeing them might not be enough» answered the other doubtful, slightly more curvaceous than the old magician.

«I am sure that the witch or wizard who completes the trials will have proven themselves worthy and capable».

«We've done all that we can». A disruptive force pushed her out of the water.

Even before he could pay attention to Fig's explanations and hypotheses, the door of the room boomed open throughout the room. A small creature with a serious skin condition came forward, armoured with scarlet reinforcement.

They should not have told anyone what happened after the attack of the dragon. Neither of the portkey, nor of the ruins. On the Gringott or Ranrok's attack. The matter was over. She was done. If it were on her, Lorelai would already be enjoying her ride back to London. She didn't have a good life there, but at least she was never in this kind of danger. She wasn't cut out to be a witch. She wasn't on the level of others.

«Lorelai» someone called her. Claire Reign approached her at a decisive pace. Lorelai was on the verge of taking everything and escaping but could not find the strength to move. The girl put a hand on her shoulder and stared straight in her eyes, «Are you all right? » she asked.

She struggled to find the words: no, it's not all right. Until recently I was working in a factory, today a dragon tried to eat me and a goblin to extort me... what, exactly? I see things other people can't and I'm about to go crazy, if, of course, I'm not already mad.

«Y-yes» she stumbled through her words trying to look as convincing as possible, «I'm fine». Claire smiled and hugged her, «Great thinking with the escape route. If it wasn't for you, we would have died there».

«What are you saying-»

«Of course! » she continued with an enthralling enthusiasm, «You saw that huge statue at the end, it was going to cut off Professor Fig's head. It was fantastic. Not for him, of course». In the meantime, Lorcan had helped Fig to get up from the ground after tumbling through the passage.

«Where are we? » he asked the mentor. Fig's eyes lit up in front of that nightscape. In the middle of the woods, not even a cat would be able to understand where the passage took them, yet the reaction of the old professor was extremely euphoric. Ruben was less pleased, in cleaning his brownish coat after falling into a cumulus of muddy leaves.

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