Welcome to Hogwarts

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Professor Weasley escorted her through the corridors to her house's common room. Claire had befriended some Gryffindors, Ruben followed Ravenclaw's prefect and Lorcan had quietly joined a small group of Slytherins of their year. Lorelai was very pleased to learn more about Hogwarts' history; the more she knew about the school, the less nervous she felt about living there for the following three years. Unless I don't get kicked out first, sure. Her fatal flaw always came out at the right time, and therefore in the worsts possible: the habit of pulling herself down and never feeling good enough, despite the commitment, to consider herself an impostor if life was running smoothly, but at the same time invalidating her problems, because there were so many people having it harder.

«Welcome to Hogwarts» Lorelai stopped suddenly, looking for who had spoken to her. She didn't see anyone around, and it certainly couldn't have been the teacher, since the voice had come from behind and the other was walking in front of her, as well as being very deep and masculine.

«I think you should inspect the walls, Miss Evans» recommend Weasley with the tone of someone who knew exactly what was happening. Lorelai looked towards the wall, finding herself in front of the picture of a bearded man, fully dressed, followed by a dog.

«Miss Evans, it is my great pleasure to present you to the portrait of Giffard Abbot the first, proud member of Hufflepuff».

«Did you belong to my house? » Lorelai asked. It was the only logical sentence she could phrase, as the talking picture had upset her slightly.

«I will always belong to the noble house of Hufflepuff, Miss Evans. Where those who are just and loyal dwell, those who are true and unafraid of toil. Young Hufflepuff, no one who shares these ideals stops belonging to a house like ours. Be proud of the colours you wear». Lorelai nodded, «If the hat has chosen you, I'm sure you'll live up to it».

«Thank you, Mr Abbot».

«If you ever need help, look for one of my paintings around the castle. Maybe my secret passage near-»

Weasley scoffed, «That's enough Giffard. Our young student will already have a lot to think about, we better not weigh further this long day». Lorelai bid the drawn man goodbye and pretended to pat the painted dog next to him. So are all Hogwarts' paintings alive, she wondered, how exactly do they work, but doubted that she would be able to find a satisfactory answer in this regard. Of course, they liked to chat, understandable after spending all their time crushed between a frame and a canvas.

«Here we are at the entrance to the Hufflepuff common room». They ended up in a huge cellar, full of old-looking barrels. Hung along the walls, there were many still-lifes. Lorelai wondered if, stretching out her hand, she could cross the canvas and grab that ripe red apple. If people could interact with portraits, why not with food. Magicians will never fear hunger and thought about the banquet. She couldn't remember when she had eaten so much food; she would have liked to take some home for her parents and siblings to taste.

«This is the entrance? » she asked when professor Weasley pointed at the biggest barrel of all.

«Endeed. I'll explain you what to do. Be careful: one errant knock leads to being doused in vinegar», she hesitated, «Most unpleasant. You must tap the barrel, two from the bottom, middle of the second row, to the rhythm of Hel-ga Huff-le-puff».

Lorelai followed the instructions to the letter. Being doused in vinegar would have been an unpleasant way to end that disastrous day and stinking the common room not the best start with her fellow classmates. In the fabric, she'd mostly spend time with her brothers, when she was allowed, otherwise she'd concentrate on working as much as possible, hoping for some extraordinary increase of the daily salary. She hardly ever spoke to any of her other colleagues. That morning, when she met Claire, she figured maybe she could make up for all the non-existent friendly relationship she had back home. You can do it, she had said earlier, and Lorelai felt she could trust her. Suddenly the big barrel opened as if by magic – she needed a moment to remember that it was, in fact, magic -, revealing an entrance door carved into the wood, from which she spotted furniture and a fireplace.

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: May 05, 2023 ⏰

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