Chapter 1

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I hate this job. I mean I don't hate this job but the customers. I love the job. Although now I can only work here on weekends.

Sorry, so forgetful of me. Let me introduce myself. I am Angelina Parkinson. I am an orphan but I have a brother Peter. I have recently started an intership since my college demanded it but right now I am working in the bakery. Yeah.... I do that on weekends.

I used to work here before I joined the intership. After joining the internship, I still didn't want to leave here because baking has become one of my hobbies. It doesn't help that I have a big sweet tooth. It also helps pay off extra bills so that I can save more for Peter's college fees.

Since internship has now become a part of the course our college has allowed us to have these 4 months off. So now we only go for the internship and no college. I have been an excellent student since young (even done my schooling with full scholarship and now college with partial scholarship) but not having to go to college is such a relief. I didn't realise how stressed I had been these past 5 semsters. Me studying software engineering didn't help either. This time off made me realise just how much I had been neglecting Peter. Don't get me wrong, I have taken care of all his physical needs but I haven't been there for all his emotional support. I feel so bad, I didn't even know he started working in Dominos until a week ago. Since then I have been taking extra care of making sure that I take out time for him.

Although he says that I don't need to do so and I already work hard enough and that he is now big enough to take care of himself, how do I make the elder sister in me understand this. And knowing that he respects me as a mother, I feel even more responsible. I know he would never say it but he misses playing those childish pranks of his on me.

Well, anyways, back to the bakery. I have been working here since the age of 17 so grandma treats me as her family. Although I have never felt parents' love but grandma has shown what grandparent's love is. Grandpa has also been so familial with me.

When we were young, the orphanage caretaker would give all kids a few pennies everyday. The amount varied with age. Me and Peter would come to this bakery every week after collecting money all week. Then we would both have two cupcakes and get a few cookies packed to survive us the whole week. After turning 17 I decided to start working and when I talked to grandpa about it, he asked me to join them and had even, jokingly, promised to give us a cupcake each everyday for free.

I love it here. It makes me forget about the outside world and just get lost in my own world. Usually I work in the kitchen or behind the counter but today two of the servers were on leave so I took over so that grandma does not overwork herself. It's not that I hate the serving job but the customers are sometimes very rude.

Uhh.... I didn't even realise, its time to close the shop. On weekends, we close the shop at 8 pm so that all can have time to spend with their families. I locked the door and then started to walk with grandma and grandpa. We live together since they didn't want me and Peter to live anywhere else after we had to leave the orphanage because we were now adults. I agreed on the condition that they will take rent and allow us to take care of them when they grow old. Now, I know what you guys are thinking, "You already call them grandparents so that must mean they are already old so what do you mean by 'when they grow old' ?" but let me warn, never say that they are old in front of them. You will not live to see another sunrise if you dare do so. They like to belive that they are still quite young and you don't get to say otherwise.

The house is a 20 minute walk from the bakery. It is a two storey house. The ground floor is for them and me and Peter occupy the upper floor. The house is actually quite beautiful and cozy. The ground floor has 3 bedrooms with en suite bathrooms, 1 kitchen (which is quite large since both love to cook), a living room, a dining room and a backyard garden. The upper floor has 2 bedrooms, a living room, a bathroom and a kitchen with a bit of a sitting area. There is also a lot of open space there.
The whole house has brown colour theme. It is all painted in different shades of brown.

We reached the home talking about the day and my intership. After reaching, we separated our ways to go to our different floors. I saw Peter already there, cooking red sauce pasta, which he knows is my favourite. I am actually very grateful that he learned to cooking because I am usually so tired after all the working.

[A for Angelina and P for Peter]

A: Hey champ, what are you cooking?

P: I know that you know that I am cooking red sauce pasta. You can smell it from miles away.

A: Won't argue on this. But what movie are we watching today??

P: Well it's Avengers today.

A: Okay but make popcorn as well.

P: I know how much you love your popcorn. I have already prepared it. I will keep it in microwave just before we start the movie.

A: Okay, I am going to freshen up.

P: Hmm

I went to my room and changed into my sweats and a simple t-shirt. Then I went to the bathroom and washed my face and came back to the kitchen. Peter had already set the table and was just waiting for me. I sat with him and we had our dinner talking about random things. After dinner I washed the utensils and he made the popcorn. Then we had our weekly movie night.

Hey guys! So the first chapter is out. I hope you guys like it.
Please vote and comment, it will mean a lot to me.

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