Chapter 2

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"Seb, wake up. It's morning already." I groaned hearing my mom's voice. I hate mornings. I am a night owl. I don't understand mornings, they are just so noisy but my mom and sister, they love mornings. So they make it their mission to wake every single creature in the house at 8 in the morning no matter the day. So here we are, waking up at 8 in the morning on a Sunday, the only day my work allows me a bit of a rest. Yes I said 'a bit' because I am allowed three free hours on a Sunday in which I can do my personal things. Being a young CEO is hard but I like my job so I don't complain.

Anyways, even though I hate it but I know that if I don't wake up now, things can get worse. So I wake up and get ready to use one of my free hours to hear a lecture on being 30 minutes late. I am so happy. Note the sarcasm.

When I reach downstairs, I see my mom standing right on the foots of the staircase giving me a glare that could even make Satan shiver in fear. Yep, she can be pretty fearsome when she wants to be. Therefore all creatures in the house never dare to cross four taboos in our house. The taboos are as following:
●Never be late in the morning
●Never leave food in the plate
●Never mess with her family
●Never ignore something that she has decided

And I broke the first one but I also slept late, as in at 4 in the morning.

[M for Mom, S for Seb]

M: Why are you late, Seb?

S: I slept late mom.

M: When you know that you need to wake up early, then you should sleep early as well. You really don't care about us. You want to spend your only free day with your bed. You don't love us. That is why I am asking you to bring a daughter-in-law. She will love us but you don't do that as well. Oh God, what wrong did I do? Why did you give me such a son? He doesn't love me. He doesn't want me happy.

S: Mom that's enough. You know there's nothing like that. I don't bring a daughter-in-law home because no one is worthy enough to be the daughter-in-law of the Miller's. Now let's go. Breakfast is getting cold.

So we finally go for breakfast. After spending some time with my family, I then decide to do some exercise. This is how I passed my three hours and now I am back to work.

I inherited a software company, Miller Labs, from my father so I have the responsibility to keep it stable and make it grow more than my father has. As a CEO of a software company, I am supposed to know all about software and computer related things but my personal interest is hacking. I started learning hacking when I was 13 years old. I have been good at it since the start. I am actually what you would call a prodigy so I am good at everything I do but hacking, it's on whole different level for me. Till now I have hacked into many companies servers but it was just me practicing my skills nothing else. I didn't check out any of their trade secrets or contracts or anything, most of them don't even know that somebody had hacked into their systems let alone know that it was me. Others that knew about the hacking didn't know who did it but it was fun to see them so on edge for sometime because of it.

Since I am a hacker, I have myself made our company's firewall system, which till date nobody has been able to break through.

Well, getting back to work, I had to go through our plans for our new London branch. The managing committee had proposed a few plans and I had to decide which one we are to follow through. I had my PA sort these out and only give me the better ones, and I can say that he did a pretty good job. Well that is why he is still working for me or else I would have fired him a long time ago. Yeah, he has been working for me for 2 years now but before that, I had to fire my PAs every few days ( the longest to last 5 weeks) because they all did shitty jobs at being my PA. Anyways, I read through the plans and liked a few. I called my PA and told him to set a meeting with the planning department for tomorrow.

By this time, it was already late afternoon. So I decided to go and have my lunch. When I was coming back to my office after my lunch, I saw my sister, Rebecca, sitting in the lounge with a cup of hot chocolate and in deep thinking. Her eyes were unfocused and she just held the cup ih her hand, not drinking it. Although I knew my 3 hours were over but I also knew that the work could handle a little bit of delay. So, I went ahead and sat beside her on the lounger. She was startled and was about to drop the cup but I handled it in time.

[R for Rebecca, S for Seb]

R: Hey, what are you doing here?

S: Leave about me but what were you thinking so deeply that you didn't even sense, huh?

R: Nothing Seb, I was thinking about the design for my next assignment.

She didn't make an eye contact with me, I knew she was lying. To further prove it, her hands were rubbing againt her arms which has been her telltale sign since her childhood.

S: Why are you lying to me? Is something wrong in college? Do you want me to talk to the Dean? Or is it something else? Do you want something? Tell me, what is it?

R: I am not lying to you. I was rally thinking about the assignment.

I knew she was still lying, but I left it at that, thinking that she will tell me if something was really wrong.

S: I know you are lying but I will not force you. Just assure me that you will come to me, if something is actually wrong. Don't worry about the work, nothing is more important to me than my family, ok. Remember, even if you are wrong, I will have your back, ok?

R: I promise Seb that I will tell you if something botheres me.

I knew I cannot get more than that from her until and unless she wants to tell me. So I decided to just divert her mind.

S: Hey, so if you don't want to have that hot chocolate of yours, then give it to me.

Being a sibling comes with a responsibility. The responsibility of knowing each others' annoying buttons and properly using them is a must. So I thought to fulfill my responsibility, since I hadn't fulfilled it in so long(2 weeks).

R: You stupid brother of mine, how the hell could you eye my hot chocolate, huh? If you want make your own, don't you dare mess with my hot chocolate. If you even so much as think of doing so, I will show your childhood album to all your staff members. I will make big posters of it and stick it all over your company. I will......

S: Calm down, calm down. I am not eyeing your drink. I was just asking. There's absolutely no need for you to get those albums out, ok. You have your hot chocolate and I will go away. Have it in peace. You don't need those albums, huh.

R: hmm..... just go away.

With this I left from there, distracting her with the thoughts of my childhood album. I had done my job. I knew it would keep her busy for at least some time. Now, I had to go back to work.

Hey guys!!!
This is the second chapter and I just wanted show their sibling relation here. I hope I did justice to the relation.

Please vote and comment guys.

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