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The wind howled harshly in Y/N's ears, causing them to cover them. It was very windy, and the whistling of the wind irritated Y/N's senses. Luckily it wasn't overloading them. They were walking home from school, they recently began going to college with a full ride scholarship they acquired due to their Autism. The one thing it has been good for so far. They can't keep a date, the last partner leaving due to them being socially awkward. They seem to attract bullies. They can't deal with stress. They can't keep any customer service job. However, their dream is to be an engineer. They are hyperfixated on machinery, coding, and building robots. They are a straight A student, top of their class.

Y/N arrived home later than usual, a small apartment their parents were paying for. They were greeted by their dog, a Shiba Inu named Sir Charles.

Sir Charles was super energetic, and despite being the opposite of Y/N personality wise, was their best friend

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Sir Charles was super energetic, and despite being the opposite of Y/N personality wise, was their best friend. Most people wouldn't think Y/N was an animal person, with their sensory issues, anxiety, and the introvertedness; however Y/N adored animals. No matter what animal, dogs, cats, horses, fish, sharks, hippos, this thing:

 No matter what animal, dogs, cats, horses, fish, sharks, hippos, this thing:

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They were all great. Sir Charles was a birthday present for Y/N 2 years ago, when they had turned 16. They were 18 now, and Sir Charles didn't look any older.  Y/N didn't have any friends; they didn't socialize well. They did have hobbies to keep them occupied, like deconstructing random items and putting them back together. They ate a simple dinner, Spaghetti, and went to bed. They didn't know at the time, but the entire world would change overnight.

As the night grew darker, the air grew thicker. A thick yellow fog emerged. The earth had a yellow tint when viewed from orbit. That yellow fog brought misery. A man walking outside lurches forward, clutching his chest, and falling face down onto the sidewalk. A woman in her house starts coughing, coughing to the point she pukes. Coughing blood, mucus, and all the air in her lungs. She doesn't die due to the coughing, she dies from asphyxiation. A dog walks through the fog, unharmed. The man whom was walking outside stands back up. Not as a mindless zombie, no; he was conscious. He turns to a man who was unaffected and pleads with him "just a single bite. I'm so hungry, please? It won't even hurt. You don't need all 10 fingers, it wouldn't hurt to lose 1 or 2." The other man backs up, before turning and running. 3 more undead jump from a bush and tackle him. He is quickly devoured by the 4. They have yellow eyes, cold skin, and are paler than usual. Their hearts no longer beat, blood no longer runs, however they are still themselves. Overnight 7.5 billion people die. 5 billion turn. 500 million are immune. Among those 500 million is Y/N. Animals are unaffected, the cause for the fog unknown. All governments break down. The world economy crashes. The end is here.

Absolute End (Yandere Apocalypse x Autistic Reader)Where stories live. Discover now