Chapter 1

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I'm walking home with my twin brother ponyboy from the theater. He normally doesn't like it when people go with him but he asked me too. "Bean im sure you're wondering why I told you to come with me well I wanted just a you and me day, Darry is always yelling at us and soda barely has anytime for us anymore since you know sandy" ponyboy goes on and on and I kind of just stopped listening to my twin.

We continue to walk when we see a mustang round the corner. Me and pony look at the car then at each other than back at the car. "SHIT" I yell while I run. The car starts to drive towards us until pony trips. I stop and run back and help my brother us but the socs get out and start to fight. I put up a goodish fight but in the end I got my ass handed to me. That was before a noise scared them off thinking it was the cops.

Me and pony start to jog home and once we get inside oh boy I wish the socs would of just ended me. "BEAN PONY IS THAT YOU" my oldest brother Darry yells. After mom and dad died in a auto accident he's been the one taking care of us and as long as me and my two brothers stay out of trouble it's going to stay that way. "NO IT'S SANDY I LOVE YOU DARRY NOT SODA" I yell making pony and two-bit laugh. "BEAN THATS NOT FUNNY" Soda yells from the bathroom probably getting ready for work."I thought it was funny" I whisper to Two-Bit which makes him laugh even more. I make my way to the bathroom to grab my brush knocking twice to let soda know it's me and to cover his yeah.

"Pony please do the dishes and bean help him after that clean your guys room" Darry gives us orders but me and pony choose to go up stairs claim to clean but we end up just goofing off. Johnny comes over and up to mine and pony's room and sits on my bed. Ahh Johnny is so cute but I can't like him he's mine and my brothers best friend. But oh to kiss those lips. "PONY COME DOWN HERE" Darry orders pony groans and leaves leaving me and Johnny...alone.

"So me and pony got into a fight today" I said trying to make conversation. "Are you two good now or still arguing" he asked looking at me then at his hands. "OH no I'm talking about me and him got in a fight with socs" I said still focused on my homework I got Friday. Even though it's spring brake I don't want to fall behind. "Bean you should of told me are you okay" he said getting up spinning my chair to focus on him. "Uh yeah" I said turning red him doing the same. He puts his hand under my chin and starts to turn my face looking for any wounds and all he sees is a cut lip and a black and blue eye. "Does Darry know" he asked still crouched in front of me looking at my face. "No" I replied not leaving his eyes. "Shit bean how does he not" he said laughing a little and stands up. "He was in the kitchen when we got home" I said standing up as well. "Is pony alright" he asked me fixing his jacket. "Uh yeah I think so I think he has a bust-" I was cut off when I hear. "Y/N CURTIS DOWN HERE NOW" I look at Johnny then start to walk out the door.

"WHAT IS THIS" Darry yells pointing at mine and my twins bruised eye. "Um Darry I can explain some socs got us but we scared them off I swear nothing to worry about" I said pony nodding in agreement and Johnny shaking his head in disbelief that I told him a whole other story. Darry just said that we should of told him sooner but you know it's whatever. We're eating supper while watching a tv-show when Dally busts down the door.

"Hey guys what's happening" he said sitting next to me giving me a kiss on the cheek. He's done that for as long as I can remember he doesn't have a crush on me and he actually broke up with one of his hoes because she got jealous he said that he's always done it but she thought otherwise. Me and Johnny have a soft spot for we Dallas Winston and he will murder anyone who messes with us. "Hey bean what happened to your eye" he said pointing at my eye then noticing pony's "nothing Dally me and pony took care of it" he just shakes his head and pulls me closer to him. I guess I fell asleep because I woke up in my bed and look over to see pony and soda then I turn around to see Johnny. Ahh he's so cute in the morning....WAIT WHAT.

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