When disrrgarded love comes eye to eye - Yu Jimin

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There she was..

Much to your dismay.

You hated Yu Jimin, with every fiber of your being. Your feelings of loath went deeper than most, so much so you spared no glances at the popular teenage girl.

She was the center of attention, and you hated it. Jimin this, Jimin that, Jimin to and fro. You hated hearing her name; You hated seeing her face; You hated seeing the upwards curvature of her lips.

You hated everything about Yu Jimin.

Yet, here she was, in the flesh, right across from you. The woman you spared no adoration for was in your house, sitting on your chair, camping on your snacks.

Her presence was one to be expected. Your luck was furthest from swell when you landed a partner project with the absurdly beautiful girl. You, by and large, disdained this selection.

Of course, if it were up to you, you'd much rather spend your friday afternoon with a fistful of rocks, grinding the white of your teeth up til they existed to be nothing more than powder in your mouth than hear the distant clicking of ITS nails flying freely across the keyboard.

Her black hair was kept up in a low ponytail, with just a few strands tucked behind her ear, gently caressing each side of her upper neck near her juglar. Her glasses were worn tightly on the bridge of her nose. Glasses, you have never seen sat upon her face until now. Glasses, you never assumed she'd need. Glasses, you felt poorly for being in contact with the grotesque being of its owner.

You couldn't tell if she noticed your negative bias towards her.

She was always nice to you. She beamed that hideous smile whenever you walked past in the halls; She called out your name whenever given the chance to do so, and the way it flew casually past her lips sent chills down your spine. For so, her voice was freakishly calm and low, which you've concluded she uses as a weapon to lure in victims for her witchcraft.

You have many theories as to why you're so drawn to this woman. The more you think, the sillier they get. You've never held a conversation with the girl, but your heart was already full with such distrust.

Yu Jimin was like a breath of fresh air, and it suffocated you.

Jimin was a rollercoaster in your otherwise staid life. She was vivacious, charming, and endlessly kind, and you found yourself captivated to her in a way that you couldn't quite explain. What you saw to be hatred, your friends saw to be internalized romantic interest. But that's silly.  Yu Jimin is straight, catholic woman.

But you were broken out of your thoughts completely when you heard the soft voice of your sworn enemy slip out, "How do you spell 'infringement'?"

"It's spelled how it sounds." You reply coldly, keeping your gaze on your unfinished work, staring blankly at the digital document on your computer screen. The flashing, blue line indicating where you had left off on your last sentence before you entrapped yourself in pessimistic ideals.

"Why are you so mean to me?"

IT spoke again. Your anger, already elevating more, was evident in your voice which you used freely to respond. You hoped your words could across cleanly. Small talk, to you, was worthless. Especially with no-good bratty, popular girl like Yu jimin.

"Brainstorm later. We don't have have time for that."

Taking a glance at her expression, you watched it morph to desperation and then draught before the loud screeching of a wooden chair, sliding against hard tile floor echoed through the room.

She was next to you now. Just what you needed.

"What have i ever done to you? Tell me now, so i can make up for it."

"Leave me alone." Out you spewed venomously, your teeth gritted together as your stared straight away at your computer, moving your hands to press down upon the keyboard before you felt them being swooped in the pairs of another.

"I care for you deeply, Y/n. What has stopped you from seeing that?"

You paused briefly for a second, actions temporarily halted as your breath hitches. But you knew better than to play along with her games.

Games, in which she had you wrapped around her finger. Games, where your personal feelings never grazed past territory for consideration. Games, where the only one who knew how to play was Jimin herself.

Could she see the sudden tint of pink in your ears? Most likely. You knew she could definitely tell how sweaty your palms were slowly becoming. And so, you retracted them with unease, letting them once more lay flat against your jeans.

She'd stop this soon.

"You haven't a clue how much i cherish you."

Shutting off your computer, you slammed it tight, staring Jimin down in her gorgeous dark eyes with a nasty glare, "Would you quit it?"

"You don't believe me?" She scoffs, a hint of annoyance playing across her face. Her voice had shifted to a tone of disappointment, now pitching daggers to the deepest depths of your soul with her arms crossed.

Before you could reason and explain why you felt no need to believe any words that fell from her mouth, you saw her lunge towards you, a glint of both anger and determination conquering her features so much you jolt back in fear.

But you were too late, her arms were wrapped securely around your waist like poisonous veins, preventing you from escaping this otherwise  embarrassing embrace before you felt the light strokes of her fingertips on your cheek.

Stunned by the odd tenderness, you relaxed into her touch almost involuntary, leaning your face into her very palms that cupped you ever so gently. And perhaps you should have seen where this was going, but nonetheless a soft gasp slip past your mouth as her lips unexpectedly met your own.

Loving the lip lock far too much to stop, your arms swung themselves around her neck, pulling your childhood enemy closer to you as the kiss deepened with passion.

Soon, she pulled away, a nerdy smile replacing the prior scowl as her forehead leaned against your own. And though you'd never admit it, you smiled too. In fact, your smile was so wide it earned a kiss on the cheek.

Somehow never realizing until now, your feelings of hatred for Yu Jimin was nothing more than brittle insecurity and self neglected love, slapped across the face with a mask of toxic prejudice towards a woman you hardly knew well enough to make out in a crowd.

It confused you, surely. Up until this very point, you had only spoken of Jimin in a negative light. Never once have you showed mercy for the beautiful girl whose arms you were currently embedded in, and quite frankly neither had she to you.

What was to come out of this? What would Yu Jimin become to you? Or more so, what would you become to her?

Questions, questions, questions. None of which, both you and Jimin could answer.

But if you learned anything from this night, you knew that gaining this romantic bond with the girl would not be something of harmful impact. For, you had just won the heart of someone who'd grow to be by your side every step of the way, as you would shape yourself to be for her.

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