What's a Wedding Without Drama?

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Warnings: some swearing, angst, happy ending, fluff
Category: Spencer x Fem reader
Word count: 3.6k
This is based off season 14 episode 15 "Truth or Dare" but with my own twist :)
Spencer and I have been dating for 10 years now so naturally, we go to all of Rossi's BAU family dinners together. I've been with the team for 13 years and Spencer and I got together at one of the dinners, ironically. The whole team was in on it, of course. Dinner had just started when Spence asked me but how could I say no, I had a stupid little crush on him for a year and a half by then.

When David proposed to Krystall, the team and I were standing outside the elevator waiting for it to chime indicating their arrival to the 6th floor.

"She said yes!" David called when the large metal doors opened. Everyone cheered and Penelope handed the soon-to-be married couple glasses of  champagne, then handing glasses to everyone else.
Flashback to the case before Rossi's wedding:

Our unsub made his victims play a twisted game of truth or dare and if they lied or he thought they lied, he would kill them.

Casey Allen Pinkner, our unsub, trapped Spencer and JJ in a jewelry store and made them surrender their guns and forced another hostage tape their hands behind their backs.

"Melissa, we haven't finished our little game," Casey said to the woman who tied up Spencer and JJ, "Well, here it is judge.. your moment of truth. Shoot her, or I'll kill your daughter."

JJ started to stand, "Come on, she's got nothing to do with this, okay? Just let her go."

"Shoot her!" Casey demanded.

"Casey, she's not apart of this. Okay? You have no reason to hurt her. Just let her go." JJ said, looking at Casey and Melisa.

Casey kept trying to get Melissa to kill the shop keeper but he wasn't listening to JJ or Spencer when they tried to talk him down.

"Um, if Melissa won't play, I will. Truth or dare. That's your game, right? I'll play." JJ said, still standing.

"Okay, Agent...." started Casey.

"Jareau." JJ finished for him.

Casey started again, "Agent Jareau, truth or dare?"

"Truth." she replied.

Casey stared at her, "If I think you're lying or stretching the truth in the slightest, I'll kill him." pointing a gun at Spencer.

"Yeah." JJ replied.

"You ever shoot anybody before?" He asked JJ, walking circles around her.

JJ hesitated before speaking again, "Yes, I have."

"You enjoy it?" He questioned.

"No." She stated.

"Lair!" Casey shouted next to her ear.

JJ's eyes went wide, "No, no, no! I'm not lying. Okay? I'm not lying. The people I shot I had no choice, but I did not enjoy it. I didn't. Ok, you asked, and I told the truth. Okay? I told the truth so now it's my turn, right? That's how this games played. We take turns."

Casey nodded.

"Truth or dare?" JJ continued.

"Truth." He replied.

"What's it gonna take for all of us to walk out of here alive, for this to end peacefully?" JJ questioned.

Casey looked angry, "I ain't going back to prison! My turn, truth or dare?"

Spencer Reid x Reader [one shots]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora