Noble Actual: 1

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Welcome to Reach...

Planet Reach

July 24, 2552, 07:28 Hours

Spartan-B312. The new Noble Six.

Six stared at her blue visor of her helmet, bouncing around in her seat as the Warthog hit a bump in the road, or dipped into a hole. Tracing her thumb over the grey plating, she thought of various things in her head at one time.

Turning the helmet around in her hands, she glanced at it for a good second before placing it over her head. The hum of the Warthog grew slightly louder inside the helmet, but she didn't mind the buzz as they headed for her new location given by the UNSC on such short notice. Placing her hands on top of her legs, she remained quite, as did the Marine that was driving her. All she knew was that she was headed towards some UNSC outpost.

Six wasn't much of a talker, unless spoken to. Always secretive, masking her emotions, and even went as far as going 'missing' after some battles if she lost some good soldiers, or even some civilians. Sure, Six was seen as brave, determined, and even strict on her comrades, but in all, she is caring for them. When something goes wrong - whether because of her, or another team member - she always took the blame.

Gripping the side of the non-existing door tightly as the Warthog fell down a semi-deep crevasse, she made sure that she wouldn't go flying. Turning her back to look behind her, she saw the same two UH-144 Falcons flying behind.

After about five minutes of driving, Six saw one of the Falcons drop down right where the Warthog stopped, while the other flew forward, but eventually looped back around.

Grabbing the top of a bar that rested right in the middle of the drivers seat and the passengers, Six stood up and jumped out, hearing the Warthog drive off. Glancing around, she began walking forward towards a small building, passing a Falcon that remained still.

Looking over, she saw a man sitting down in one of the seats, loading rounds into a sniper rifle magazine. Making sure he knew she acknowledged him, she tapped the tail of the Falcon once before continuing where she was headed.

Six, nearly entering the small building, picked up a feint voice. Thanks to the enhanced hearing she acquired from the experiments, she heard, "Contact with Visegrád Relay was lost last night. All signals flat-lined at twenty-six hundred hours." Confused on what it was, Six stood still for a second.

"And now you're sending us," a semi-deep voice replied.

"The Office of Naval Intelligence believes deployment of a Spartan team is a gross miscalculation of valuable resources. I disagree," the first voice replied back.

Slipping through the doorway, Six made sure she ducked so she wouldn't hit her head on the top door frame. Shifting her attention to her left, she caught the eye of some man with a skull carved into his visor sharpening his kukri against his shoulder pauldron.

Feeling eyes on him, the man glanced up, halting his actions. Just as Six was about to step forward, a prosthetic right arm stretched across from her. Looking over to see who it was stood a woman with short black hair, and scars adorned her face.

"Commander?" she called out, a Slavic accent heavy in her voice.

The 'Commander' turned around. Standing in front of him on a table was a holographic computer screen, displaying Holland's portrait, along with other information. To the mans right was another man, dressed in orange gear.

"So that's our new number six," the man in orange stated.

Six stepped forward, unsure of what to exactly do at the moment.

"Kat, you read her file?" the man in the skull visor asked.

The woman, Kat, turned her attention towards him. "Only the parts that weren't covered in black ink," she answered.

The Commander turned back to the computer screen, placing his hand on top of his blue helmet that rested on the side of the table. "Anyone claim responsibility, sir?"

"ONI thinks it might be the local insurrection. Five months ago, they pulled a similar job on Harmony. Hit a relay to take out our eyes and ears, then stole two freighters from dry-dock. That cannot happen here. Reach is too damn important. I want that relay back online, Noble One," Holland replied through the comms.

"Sir, consider it done," Noble One replied.

"Then I'll see you on the other side. Holland out," Holland replied before the com went dead silent.

The man in orange gear and the one with the skull visor stood up while Noble One turned around, grabbing his helmet doing so. "Lieutenant," Noble One stated.

Stepping forward, Six nodded her head in respect. "Commander. Sir," she stated.

"I'm Carter. Noble Team's leader," Carter stated as the two began to head for the door, heading out. "That's Kat, Noble Two. Emile and Jorge, Four and Five," Carter said.

Turning around, Six placed the names on the three, making a mental note she would never forget. "You're riding with me, Noble Six," Carter said, having Six follow close behind.

Putting on his helmet, the two Spartans exit the building, with Six right next to Carter. Kat, Emile -who sheathed his knife- and Jorge walking side-by-side in front of the two, towards a Falcon.

"I'm not gonna lie to you, Lieutenant. You're stepping into some shoes the rest of the squad would rather leave unfilled," Carter exclaimed.

Instantly, Six knew the team wouldn't welcome her right away, knowing what Carter really meant.

"Me, I'm just happy to have Noble back up to full strength."

Six stepped up the Falcon with ease, slipping past the unknown man and sat down right next to him, Carter still stood. Making sure she was secure, the man with the green armour sat to Six's left, staring at her before turning away.

"Just one thing. I've seen your file. Even the parts the ONI censors didn't want me to. I'm glad to have your skill set, but we're a team. That lone wolf stuff stays behind. Clear?" Carter stated, signaling for the other Falcon to get airborne.

"Got it, sir," Six stated.

Just as their Falcon began lifting in the air, the man in green armour turned to Six. "Welcome to Reach," he stated, a thick Slavic accent accompanying his voice.

Six pointed over towards the man, "Who is he?"

"That is Noble Three, Jun," Carter responded.

After that, their ride over the mountains was quiet for some time.

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