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Germany wasn't scared of the dark. He also wasn't scared of Horrormovies nore Clowns. For a perfect little while he even thought that it was impossible for him to get scared. To fear for his life seemed ridiculous. He found out that that's not true but he wished he would still be able to believe that there is nothing that can get his knees to shake like the little characters in one of those silly children cartoons Switzerland sometimes watches on those uneventful boring Saturday evenings. Of course, he was wrong. It is Scientifically proven that living beings are born with two fears: the fear of falling and the fear of loud noises and in that moment when Germany rushed out of the door standing in front of his best friend's house, everything seemed too loud. The birds, the plane over him, the children playing in the park right next to the Russian's house and damn yes, even the sound of the trees in the wind made him jump and stop in his tracks. It was ridiculous. It was like his friend's dad had relived a hidden trauma inside of him. Germany was falling and there was noone there to catch him. It scared him.

When he woke up, the sun was long gone. The darkness has set in and he was sobbing.  He lost all sense of orientation. Where did he run once he came out of Russia's house? Left? Right? Where was the park he saw? Only the wind answered his question, blowing as miserably as he felt. Germany was cold. He couldn't see. He couldn't think. He was cold. The German man didn't know for how long he was sitting there, in his own tears, his own sorrow, till he finally heard voices coming towards him. "Austria?" He screamed, recognising one of the voices easily. He would recognise his brother's voice anywhere. "Oh my god fucking finally" Austria hissed as he cowered down beside him. "How are you? Are you hurt? We were searching for you for hours!" Germany looked in the direction the voice came from. He could make out his brother's figure. The red colour scheme gave him away but everything else was a blur. Till now he thoight it was simply too dark for him to see his brother but as he made out the light of a street lamp, the truth hit him. His heart sank into his pants as he remembered his medical studies. "Austria." He whispered. "Look in my eyes. Do they look normal to you?" He could feel Austria's breath on his nose. "Shit man. You look like you are high on drugs. Belgium come look at this." So the other voice did belong to Belgium, Austria's best friend. Another soft breathing on his face. "Yeah that's not normal. Not at all. I used to sell glasses you remember, back when I tried to get money for our vacation and shi'? Nah that's not normal." Germany swallowed. "Shine a light into my eyes. Do they change?' silence, then shuffling as one of them angles their phone out of their bag. "They don't change at a-" a small silence and Germany's heart sank even further. "-they changed but even as the dumb one out of us brothers: I don't think it's normal that it took them so long." He mumbled, still staring into the younger ones eyes. Fuck Fuck Fuck. His hand reached for his brother, clinging onto his shirt. "Listen Austria, I have a concosion. I hit my head on Russia's stupid table. I need to go to a hospital." - "Not Austria, dude but we will get someone who will bring you to an hospital asap." He clinged onto the wrong country in his calm panic. Belgium's red trainings suit that looked so much like his brother's skin confused him. "I am going to get dad. Just stay here, alright?" As if he could go anywhere like this but the fear of facing his father and having to explain what happened in his friend's house made his throat feel thighter.

His fear was unrrasoned. His father didn't scream at him. He didn't make annoying remarks or forced him to promise he would never see Russia again instead Reich stared at him. His eyes calm and concentrated. "I am-" - "You are not sorry Germany. I thought I teached you not to lie." Reich sighed, leaning back in the chair he moved right next to his son's hospital bed. "You would've went to visit him anyways." Germany was close to denying it but his dad was right, so he just looked away ashamed. "You have the heart of you mother, Germany. You trust people that don't deserve trust." Germany swallowed. He wasn't expecting his father to mention his mother. She died long ago. Was nothing more than a blurry memory in the back of Germany's mind. He remembered her. Who would be able to forget such warmth? Such love? "I am sorry, Dad." He said. Suddenly understanding his father. Understanding the sadness in his eyes. He didn't want to lose another loved person. "I am so so sorry Dad. I love you so much." He started sobbing. "I really do. You did so much for me and I thank you by always getting my ass in danger." Strong arms wrapped around him. "It's alright." His father whispered. "It's alright, hun." And suddenly Germany was 5 again. Wrapped in a giggling hug by his mother and father. Safe and sound. His big brothers playing "Mensch ärgere dich nicht" on the floor in front of them. A warm fire cackling in an old fireplace and he promised hismelf to never get himself in trouble again.

How easy he broke that promise, when Russia stood in front of him. Soaked by the stormy rain outside. Germany had a bandage wrapped around his head. He looked almost as pathetic as Russia's little suitcase. "Germany- I-" Germany starred. "What happened?" - "Concussion." The german simply stated, his eyes fixated on the suitcase. "What are you planning with that suitcase, Russia?" He sounded dry. Hiding the feelings swirling his stomach at the sight of the Russian man. "I thought- I- Maybe I could stay at your place?" He asked, "I fought with my dad." He quickly added on, noticing Germany's disbelieving stare. His friend swallowed. He saw Germany would send him away. He knew it. "-and!" He stumbled forward, frantically throwing down the suitcase. "We have a secret to uncover." The man In front of Russia couldn't believe his eyes as he opened his jacket, revealing the Photobook he had hidden under it, protecting it from the rain. He had stolen it! Out of his dad's cold hands! Germany couldn't believe it. If Soviet- No. When Soviet found out Russia was a dead man. Silently he stepped aside, letting his friend in. Because how would he ever be able to deny him?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2023 ⏰

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