Elrond's Email

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To: lindirtruffles@rivendellgmail.com
From: elrondthehalfelf@travelgmail.com
Subject: Day 1



So far, the trip has been partial disaster, partial success. I can only hope that the success part continues for a while.

Whereas the start of the trip was rather hectic, my children all seem to enjoy Colorado. However, they are a bit unsatisfied with our current hotel/motel. Carolyn went insane when she found out that the pool here wasn't open. I assured them all that tomorrow's hotel would be better.

I fear that Carolyn will be called to a different West tomorrow. The seagulls speak to her like they speak to Legolas. Vanadessë may be departing soon after this trip is finished.

I trust that everything in Rivendell is running smoothly, and I once again thank you for taking over.


Lord Elrond Peredhil

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