Elladan's Voice Recorder Thingy

39 7 0

Day: Saturday, May 2-
Oh. Thanks.

Day: Saturday, May 31
Time: Ada, what time is it?

Time: 4:06pm. (6:06 Georgia time)

Everyone keeps going on about how bad I am at navigating, but Elrohir is EVEN WORSE.

Today was the 10-mile hike day. Elrohir started us off by leading us on the WRONG TRAIL. We hiked that trail for about 2 miles before he realized what was wrong.

To make matters worse, the trail we were on was a 4-wheeler/jeep trail, which was MUCH steeper and rougher than a normal hiking trail. Because of this, all three sisters were completely exhausted by the time we got on the right trail.

Ada eventually took over, leading us to a nice, shady place to eat lunch. The girls perked up, and we were able to hike a few more miles before they gave in.

We had JUST turned around when it started to rain. By the time we reached our car, we were pretty wet.

Right now, we are driving to a ranch, which we will be staying at for the next few days. Everyone is VERY excited.


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