Chapter 10. "You weren't supposed to see me act like that."

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In Essence
By: Ka$tro


November 14th, 1770

Hugo sat in the parlor room with his hands on his lip. He sat beside the window with a solemn expression. All that kept replaying in his head were the same questions; Why did I let her see that? Why did I act like that? How could I allow this to happen? I almost killed a man in my own home for God's sake! Hugo perked up in the wooden chair when he heard the door open. Then in came Lydia with Lucille by her side. Hugo immediately looked away and pretended to be staring out the window, acting as if he didn't hear them come in. But Lydia saw right through it.

"Why don't you go up to your room for a little bit, Lucille? Your father and I will be talking for a little while." Lydia watched Lucille sprint up the stairs as soon as the words left her mouth. Hugo could hear Lucille's footsteps go straight to her room. His two different coloured eyes watched Lydia sit in the chair beside him. Hugo wanted to turn away and try to change the subject, but he knew where that would go. Especially if you're married to someone like Lydia. "What ever happened yesterday we don't talk about. When you're at work, when you're with your friends, when you're with Lucille, or when you're visiting your parents'graves. We don't talk about it!" Lydia waved her hands in an 'x' type motion near her chest. Her eyes narrowed toward Hugo whose lips were pursed.

"I just want to make it clear to you that you weren't supposed to see me act like that."
"And I know that, Hugo. But Lucille saw that! And who knows how long she was standing there for!"
"I know that! Does it look like I was born yesterday?"
"Well you act like it all the damn time!"

Hugo gave Lydia a side eye before staring back out the window. They've been arguing a lot lately and Lucille was starting to notice. Hugo was also starting to notice that Lydia was starting to get problems of her own. She was... acting very strange at times. Pointing out at things that weren't really there. Hugo didn't dare tell anyone due to the fear of his wife being sent to the gallows. There was a doctor nearby but he didn't want to risk it. "It's almost like I can't do this anymore... Hugo, I-" Lydia shook her head and stood up. "I have to go down to the church to pick up a gift from a friend. I should be back by noon. If not, make dinner for you and Lucille." Hugo watched Lydia wrap a shawl around her shoulders then open the door. Just before she got out the door, she grabbed Hugo's money pouch off the table that was right beside the door. Hugo frowned a little by this. His eyes drifted off to the ground in thought after a moment of silence.

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