Chapter 24. Welcome To Your New Life

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"My father once said, war is a theatrical play, in which everybody gets to be an actor. The less fortunate are the leads. Or, let's say, the puppets. The most fortunate, are the ones that get to sit down, enjoy, and decide what to do."


The General put his hands behind his back. A stern expression on his face while Robert and Henry stood next to him.

"Let's move it, you idiots! You'll get no sympathy from me! You want sympathy, look in the dictionary between 'shit' and 'syphilis'! That's where you'll find my sympathy! This isn't a nice stroll in the city! Let's move it! Hey, Nebbish! You should be able to fly like a bird with those big ass ears, boy!"
"Yeah, fly, Nebbish!"

Hugo gave Henry a side-eye. This time the training was harsher on the soldiers. Everyone had to run laps around the whole camp, shoot and try and reload as fast as possible, and try to attach their bayonets on their musket as fast as possible. But Robert and Henry both agreed that they should also learn how to tie a noose. Hugo didn't like the idea, but his opinion didn't matter. He could tell some - er, most - were uncomfortable with learning how to do that part and he didn't blame them. But he did have to be hard with these boys. He couldn't be sweet all the time. Then his eyes wandered over to where Gabriel and Malachi were. "Hey, Stone!" He shouted, getting the young man's attention. "You tell Malachi that if he does not tie that noose fast enough, I'm going to hang him with it!" Henry laughed at Hugo's statement but the General was too occupied with watching everyone to barely notice.

"Stuyvesant! You get your one last lap in! I asked for 30 you did 29-!"
"Get your last lap in-!"
"WOULD YOU SHUT UP, HENRY?! Nobody is done until the average for this Regiment is one minute, 20 seconds!!"

Malachi and Gabriel were panting by the time they got back. Hugo merely stared at the two as they fell onto the grass. Malachi even had to take off his wool coat. His face completely red and full of sweat. By the time everyone was finished, some even passed out because of the heat. Alexander struggled to slip his coat off but had the help of David. "It's too hot for this. What is even the point of doing this?" Hugo raised a brow at Alexander and watched him unbutton a few silver buttons on his white waistcoat. "The point for this is so that when we are being shot at, you'll be able to move your ass." David bent down and put his hands on his knees. Hugo looked over his shoulder to see Moore coming towards them with an amused smile on his face. "What's this?" He looked between everyone, seeing all their red faces and red coats on the grass. The General turned back to everyone and straightened his coat. "Welcome to your new life! This is what it will be like from now on! I do not want to hear no complaining and certainly no whining! You will use what you were taught in training! It will help you, and most likely save your life!" Hugo walked past Henry and gave Robert a pat on the shoulder. "I need a moment.

When Hugo had gotten to his office tent, he seemed like he was in a haste when he was digging through his belongings on his desk. Eventually he found what he was looking for and smiled to himself. He stuck the pipe in his mouth but almost spit it back out once he turned around to see Moore standing there with a knowing smile on his face. He made sure Robert and Henry weren't coming before walking up to Hugo and grabbing the pipe. "What's in this?" He flipped it around in his hands numerous times while awaiting his answer at the same time.

"Cannabis. Don't tell anyone either!"
"Cannabis?! Where did you find that?"
"Stauber gave me it. When he saw I had tobacco, we made a trade."
"Do you think anyone will notice when you're done with this?"
"I certainly hope not! That would be humiliating... now will you give me my pipe and some privacy, please?"

Hugo had one last long puff from his pipe before he tipped it upside down and let whatever was left hit the ground. His pipe wasn't really made for cannabis, but it still worked. He hid the object under a few rolled up maps and left the tent. Everyone had gone back to what they were doing before since training was over. Now mostly they were all socializing or just retreating to their own little spaces for the time being. "Verlice! There you are!" Henry waved the General over. Robert didn't seem too pleased with Hugo because of him walking away in the middle of training. When the tall man sat down on one of the little wooden stools, Moore broke out into a fit of laughter. "Is that your first time?" Hugo was confused. "What was my first time?" Henry looked between the two but Robert didn't seem like he was paying attention. It looked like he was more concentrated on reading a letter.

Moore raised his hand up to his mouth, mocking the action of holding a pipe and blowing out a puff of smoke. Hugo shook his head with a heavy sigh. "No, no. My first time ever getting experienced with cannabis was when I was... sixteen? Maybe even seventeen." He rubbed his chin and watched Moore cover his eyes as he wheezed. "Seventeen?!" Robert finally looked up at the Captain and General. He didn't look too amused that Hugo had wandered off just to relieve some stress. "You better not be doing that anymore." The Major commented but Henry himself found it a bit hilarious that Hugo had just sauntered off just to have a few puffs. This reminded Henry of something. "Oh! Hugo. I don't know if I mentioned it before but those two over there..." Henry pointed toward Alexander and David.

"Are now your-... what was the term, Robert?"
"Personal Sentinel."
"Thank you. They will be by your side often, if you want them to they can guard your office tent, you get the idea, I'm sure. But they aren't like us either. They will have to still go to battle and do training when it's needed. Do not think you can just let them do what they want because they are your Personal Sentinel. They also aren't allowed to know of future plans and attacks. Is that understood, General?"

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