Chapter-5 (Getting scooped)

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(1 day earlier)

"So, Plasma, what is the plan?"

"Nothing much, Rachel. I was thinking about-"

Suddenly the door banged open as a little girl with fairy wings entered the room with an angry glare,

"How dare you both exclude me from your plans?"

"A-Ah! Siofra! We were expecting you here, kiddo" Rachel greeted, "anyways, continue what you were about to say, Noah"

"I-I was just about to say that, we would get on the second floor by exploding it and then, we can catch that sneaky little rat!-"

"Noah! You can't just explode into some random rich man's museum! That idea is just pure dumb!" said Siofra,

"Sio, it is fine, not like I am going to blast their roof with C4-"

"Both are the same thing, Noah..." Said Rachel as she shrugged, "did you forget that you already owe 2 million dollars to the government?"

"W-Whatever, I am the leader here!"

"And?" Questioned Siofra as she lifted her both eyebrows with superiority,

"And what I say, is what you do, no further questions please, ladies"

"Touché...why did we make this dumb man our leader again?" Asked Siofra in irritation,

"Because I am the smartest, duh!"

"Says the man who wears duck pyjamas to sleep and almost scares me to death every morning!" said Rachel ironically as the two girls giggled at him, "and you are the farthest thing away from being smart!"

"N-Not my fault that is cute! N-Nothing is wrong with liking ducks! They are-" (my guy ignored the insult like a giga chad-

"Whatever, now put that 'exploding into random rich people's museum' plan into the trash and think of something that is not dumb for once would ya?" Said Siofra aggressively, as she glared at him again,

"Fine about we break in and steal the painting before that little rat could and then-" he started, very sure that the two strict ladies in the room would like this plan,

"Dumb, next idea" interrupted Siofra with a lazy expression,

"W-Whaa- *cough cough* about sleeping gas or laughing gas then? Or we could even-"

"Sleeping gas?" Rachel repeated, as she caught her chin and started to think something,

"Dumb again-" said Siofra as she rolled her eyes with attitude,

"Wait Sio, I have got a solid plan..." smirked Rachel,

"R-Rachel what are you planning..? W-Why is your expression like that? So scary...!" Said Noah as he dragged his chair away from Rachel, "W-Weirdo! Stay away!"

"Zip it Noah, now listen up, first we release the gas, make him sleep, then wreck the heist as we throw him in the prison. How does that sound?" Rachel said proudly as she made a 'ok' plan,

"Sounds like a plan to me, come on guys, we got a heist to wreck!"


(An hour before the heist)

Carol stood before the grand museum, as many people crowded around and pushed her here and there like a doll along with the entire crowd. She looked up as she saw, there is some kind of celebration goin' on in the museum for a fortnight and this is the last day, which probably explains the crowd.

" wonder he chose this day to continue the heist. Crowds are a great distraction indeed" Carol mumbled to herself, as she pushed the crowd aside and marched into the great halls of history with confidence.

She looked here and there anxiously to spot something unusual, but what could she do if she did spot the criminal? She doesn't even know how to throw a punch. All she knows is how to kick in people's faces and to use a gun with accuracy, good thing there was no security checks in the main gates-

(10 minutes later)

"How weird...I mean not weirder than me but...where did the crowd go?" she questioned herself as she walked through a silent hallway, there was no one there, not even a single fly or any people, there were only dirty little microorganisms who are probably hiding in those pesky dust-filled red carpets. Do they even clean these? How disrespectful of them.

"I-Is this even the first floor now? Am I lost already?" She asked as her voice echoed back to her, she probably got the chills down her spine after hearing her own voice in an empty corridor,

"Alright, now that answers the question..."

She walked around even more as she saw some pretty paintings of many warriors and queens and... Litchis?

"Wait a minute...dirty red carpets, dusty walls...and silent corridors. I AM IN THE SECOND FLOOR? B-BUT HOW? WHEN?" She panicked but then shut her mouth close with both of her hands as she knows that in probably about a minute or so, the villain is going to be here!

"I have to get out of here quick! Or else, I am a dead fella for sure!" She reassured herself as she quickly started to search for the way to the first floor or some kind of exit to get out of this stinky situation, that too, quick.

"Hm? What is this strange smell?" She murmured weakly, as she sniffed the air intensively...and it smelled like a permanent marker.

" *gasp* sleeping gas... *yawn* sure does...smell nice" (famous last words before disaster lol-) (and yes, permanent marker smells amazin' good!)

She collapsed in to the carpeted wooden floor, as it made a light thud sound, she slept real nice, peace and sound. Who knew a man with a black bird mask would scoop her up?


Btw thank yall so much for reading! I really appreciate your interest :D


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