Chapter-8 (Damsel in distress is at it again)

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"Carol, you never tell us what you have been doing in your computer for week!" Rachel complained as she tries to peek into the open laptop which Carol was so focused in,

"I-It is personal, Rachel! Please stop trying to peek!" Carol pleaded as she shut her computer close before she could have a look,

"Alright fine, I am letting this off the hook as it is personal to you-"

"You are such a good friend, Rachel" she interrupted her as she gave Rachel a small piece of chocolate with a kind smile on the side,

"I am not a kid, but I will accept it, thanks" Rachel replied as she accepted the piece and popped it in her mouth. Rachel left the room with a delighted smile on her face as the chocolate melts in her mouth, it only made her drool for more!

The second she stepped out of her room, Carol opened her laptop and started to work on something again,

"I am sorry Rachel, but this has to be a secret" she mumbled to herself,

"I have to keep it, or else, you will exclude me forever...this is something for me to do alone..."


(10 minutes later)

Carol still kept on working on her 'secret something' while she kept hearing some weird noises from above her, she ignored it for the past 2 minutes, but curiosity was killing her from the inside, she couldn't focus on her work at all.

"why won't they keep it down? Is it the plumber?" She questioned herself as she shuts her laptop down and walked towards the noise, curious to find answers, no matter how dumb it is, she wants to find it out.

"The rooftop? I thought the sound was from the second floor-"

Before she could finish her sentence, she was lifted up in the air, a startled scream rose upon her tired throats as she clenched her skirts tightly so it won't flutter off to the wind. She looked behind her to see the horror, it was the villain they joked about in an advertisement! (Refer chapter-1)


"P-plasma? WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON?!?" She screamed, a little frightened,

"GIMME A SECOND! I WILL SAVE YOU!" Yelled Noah who was in his superhero form, Plasma, as he came right behind her who was being taken as hostage by the villain,

"WHY AM I ALWAYS THE DAMSEL IN DISTRESS? IN ADS AND IN REALITY!" Carol yelled in frustration with a sad sigh, "my life sucks..."

"SHUT UP LADY! YOU ARE BLOWING MY EAR UP!" said the one who was carrying Carol,

"ya, like I am gonna listen! BAKAAAAAA, LET ME GOOOOOOOOOOO-"



The villain flew on top of the darkening sky, the one who was carrying Carol was extremely unlucky as his ear drums were begging for the torture to stop. While, Plasma was right behind 'em, trying to catch up to them by foot as he can't fly like the caped idiotic villain,

"W-WAIT!" he yelled as he tumbled down on one of the roof,

"Come to the A-161 warehouse, if you want to see her again" said the villain bluntly as he flew back as fast as he came,



(While flying)

"Why do heroes always say that cringey line when we take someone as hostage?" One of his goons asked the villain boss,

"LET ME GOOOOOOOOOO!" Screamed Carol,

" *Covers one of his ear & holds Carol with the other* I actually don't know...cause never, like never once in the history has any villain waited when the hero shouts 'wAiT!' " he replied ironically to his favourite goon,

"Very true and stupid indeed, but why y'all always pick me as the damsel in distress-" joined in Carol, as she crossed her arms in frustration and was being taken as the hostage while flying-

" *Uncovers his ear* so you CAN talk instead of making my ears bleed each second?"

"Hmm...when did I say that? LET ME GOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-"

"There she goes again...*Covers his ears again* "


RIP the villain's ear buds-

Soooooo, who is going to save our damsel in distress?

A) Plasma, the dumb simp
B) Rachel, the lady boss
C) Siofra, the real teenage agony
D) Bird masked guy, a crazy litchi lover

I would go with option E! Which is me, the author! Nvm...that won't happen.


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