Chapter 3

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Tommy had been mad at a countless amount of people. He always knew he would forgive them, as you can't trust emotion. But at this moment, Tommy was livid, after countless times in his childhood, he was always casted out. It was always techno getting attention. Wilbur tried to kill himself just because Phil never paid attention. Wilbur got so much attention. He was focused on being casted out for so long. He could help but feel like Wilbur was being selfish. Tommy peaked his head out of his room. Wilbur had been sobbing to Phil and screaming at him about how much he hated him. Tommy knew he would get screamed right back at if he were to scream at Phil like that. It's so annoying how Wilbur can sneak out and gets told it's not the right thing. Yet if Tommy were to sneak out, he would get screamed at, locked in his room, grounded with on techno showing his gratitude. Tommy knew he would snap one day. Sooner or later his family would regret their actions. He knows they are making a grave mistake. That day was soon. Not yet, but soon. But why not give a preview to phil? He deserves every ounce of it.

“You think sorry is going to cut it? YOU THINK A STUPID APOLOGY IS GOING TO HELP? IS MAGICLY GOING TO MAKE ME FEEL BETTER? Phil, you broke me. I was always casted out. I was treated the worst.”

“Tommy, were you treated the best?”

“The best? Phil it was pure torture when i was a kid!”

“Oh you can grow up.”

“Oh sure, let me grow up and do something Wilbur and Techno didn't have the confidence to do.” Tommy feels his fist ball up in anger as he punches Phil straight in the face. His eyes widen as Phil looks at him with a pure look of hatred. Tommy is slowly backing up while reaching out for his cardigan.

“Thomas. Watson.”

Tommy quickly grabs his cardigan, puts it on and makes a run for the door. Phil is screaming incoherent words as he slams the door open and goes running. He sees Techno was on his way home and Techno started chasing him. Tommy starts running faster as he's dodging trees that felt like they were coming at him at 110 miles per hour. He gets the sudden thought of going to Snowchester. He could sneak in and hang out with tubbo. He knows it was all dreams doing. Tubbo is going to hate him but he doesn't have any other options. He hears Techno growing closer as Tommy remembers something from when he used to sneak out. He takes off his cardigan and double ties the sleeves. He throws the makeshift pull up bar onto a tree branch. It was strong enough to hold up his body. He pulls himself up onto the branch, breathing heavily. He can hear Techno climbing up at an alarming speed. Tommy unhooks his cardigan, putting it back on. He starts quickly climbing the tree, getting higher and higher till he gets to the top. He starts hopping from tree to tree, trying his best to not no fall due to the point he was balancing on thin branches he knew could break at any moment. He falls through one tree, remembering how he used to do this, with those instincts kicking back in. He grabs on tightly while swinging from tree to tree. He hasn't felt an adrenaline rush as good as this in awhile. He hits the ground softly, still running for the fun of it. Once he makes sure Techno’s gone, he leans against a tree, gasping for air. After some time, he starts walking towards Snowchester, the walk still being familiar. He can tell he was growing closer due to how it started to get colder. He starts shivering slightly while walking to the large mansion. He knocks loudly on the large doors, starting to get impatient. When the door opens, he goes face to face with his best friend, his enemy, his president, his betrayer. 

“Tubbo i know its been a long time an im not the best face to see-”

Tommy suddenly gets pulled into a strong and tight hug. He smiles and hugs back. It feels amazing to be trapped in this embrace again. There was no malicious intent. 

“Tommy, I'm so glad you're okay.. Dream said you ran away, you did run away! Why? Why are you here? You can get killed! Oh i'm so mad but so happy to see you”

“Shit got bad at exile. I was somewhere but I'm here with you now!”

As tubbo smiles again, Tommy feels his emptiness fade away. He feels his heart grow, his heart beating at 50 miles per hour. He feels warm again. He feels the sunlight shine upon him, knowing this is the person he was looking for, knowing this was the person he needed. They could go out and be immature teens again. They could go out late to bars. They could get as high as the clouds. All with his best friend, tubbo.

“Oh please come inside!” Tubbo insists, pushing him inside. Tommy smiles as he walks in, admiring how beautiful the mansion was.

“Tubbo, this place is- wow…”

“I know, right?”

“How did you?- I have so many questions…”

“Save the questions for later, OH MY GOSH TOMMY!”

Tubbo tackles him to the ground in a hug. Empty was a feeling you couldn't trust. Empty was a feeling that could never win him over. His best friend is here. His everything to his nothing is back. Tommyinnit is back.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2023 ⏰

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