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Sonic POV:

After breakfast I went over to the family room to watch some TV. That's when mom came in. This was the perfect opportunity to ask her why i'm so weird around Knuckles now.

Sonic: Hey, mom?

Maddie: Yes honey?

Sonic: Can i ask you something...privately?

Maddie: Sure. Anything at all!

Sonic: Do you know what happens when you get a weird feeling in your stomach and your face burns up?

Maddie: Simple explanation! You'd be in love!

Sonic: How'd you know?

Maddie: That's how i met your dad! Although, he was pretty obvious about it.

i guess dad heard what she said because next thing I knew he came barging in.

Tom: Hey! I was not!

Mom then got of the couch next to me and walked towards dad. She then grabbed his face gently, and kissed him. When I was younger, I always got disgusted when mom and dad kissed. But now, I'm not rly bothered by it now. Not sure why. After they were done, dad went back to the kitchen and mom sat back down next to me.

Maddie: You can continue, honey. I'm all ears!

Sonic: Well, I uh... remember when we were talking about being in love?

Maddie: Yeah?

I then leaned closer to mom's ear and whispered in her ear...

Sonic: I think I'm in love with Knuckles.

Maddie: Oh! I was not expecting that! Let me guess. You need advice from me to get together with Knuckles, right?

I slightly blushed when she said Knuckles' name.

Sonic: Y-yeah...

She then sat there in thought. Until she looked like she had an idea. So she whispered in my ear...

Maddie: I can rearrange a date for you two at the county fair this weekend!

Sonic: W-wha?! J-just me and him...?

My face was burning red after that.

Maddie: No duh! That's a way to make a relationship grow. They go on dates.

Sonic: So does that mean we'll...kiss?

Maddie: Yup! That's a thing you do on dates!

Sonic: What else?

Maddie: Well, they get to know each other, cuddle, and hold hands!

I was writing this down with a pen and sticky note pad. I think she realized because when she was done talking, she gave me the,"I know you like em" face.

Sonic: Hey!

When I responded, she burst out laughing. Eventually, I gave in on the laugh too.

Sonic: Thanks for giving me advice mom!

I gave her a warm hug afterwards. She shortly hugged back.

Maddie: You're welcome honey! Just so you know, I will always be here if you need more advice!

Sonic: Okay, thanks!

That's the end of Chapter 4! Sorry I haven't updated this story for a while. I've been really busy with school and my YouTube channel. Hope y'all can forgive me!✨❤✨

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