Confession 7

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So I don't remember exactly when I said this, but I have said in the past, "I will never date/kiss a white guy" because "they're weird."

Now here I am, with a crush on a white guy. Not just any white guy either, no. He's Christian AND a senior (I'm a sophomore for reference). 

So it turns out he likes origami, listens to basically any music besides modern rap, and he knows a few weird ways to get back at people if need be (throw bologna on their car to mess up the paint job, put their address on ebay and say the person is selling all their alcohol for $10). He also has the same damn origami book I lost in 5th grade.

What's kinda complicated is graduation is less than a month away, plus he's gonna be going on a cruise for a while right after it. Everyone also keeps giving me conflicting advice or opinions. It's either "don't be the sophomore who goes after the senior" or "has he asked you to prom yet?" Which the answer is no, obviously.

I'm just scared he nor anyone else would like me in that way, and I just feel like I'm too hard to love. I mean, come on, I can't even stand to look at my own sister and her boyfriend. I haven't had my first kiss yet and she's had 3.

Anyways, rant over. Not super dark shit, other than the fact I have drawn us doing coupley things together. I will never purposely show him though. If for some random reason he does happen to care about me in the way I'm interested in him, I will probably let y'all know. But for now, it ain't gonna happen. I cannot bring myself to admit my feelings to anyone new anymore.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2023 ⏰

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