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I just wait outside the dorm, maybe Wednesday will walk out and apologise? No, no she wouldn't do that.

I wait for a long time, or at least, it feels like a long time, then I get up to find Yoko.


"Hit her with a car" Yoko shrugs

"No! Yoko! Violence isn't the answer!" I explain, she just gives me a look and goes back to sucking her stupid blood bag.

"Yoko this is serious, will you just listen?"

"I've heard this before! Many, many times, you guys are like an old married couple." Yoko says, I blush, she shakes her head at me


"You're blushing"

I cover my face with my hands "Nuh uh!"

"The fuck you mean nuh uh?" Yoko takes out her phone and shoves it in my face, I peek from behind my hands and see myself looking back, my face is bright red

"Yokoooo... I-" I look around, and see a couple people, so I grab Yoko and pull her into a quiet corner "I think- I think I might like her" I saw, biting my nails "... no fucking shit you do, puppy" Yoko starts "Everyone knows this!"

"And when you say everybody-"

"I don't know about Wednesday, we don't talk, and if we did she certainly wouldn't tell me about if she liked anyone, hell I don't even know if she has the capacity to like someone" Yoko continues "No no! Don't say that, I want her to like me!" Yoko just sighs  and  puts a hand on my shoulder "You can't control how others think of you pup"

(A/N: Random headcannnon that Yoko calls Enid pup as a weird nickname, I don't know I just think it sort of fits)

"So-" Yoko interrupts me "She might not like you" we both go silent, I really like her, you know when you really like someone to the point where even if you just see the back of that persons head you turn into a blushy, stuttery, floppy, crumbly, sweaty, heart beating super duper fast, brain going one trillion miles per hour? That's how Wednesday makes me feel

"Pup I'm sorry-"



"How do I get her to like me?"

Yoko sighs, I'm super for realsies, and I guess Yoko can see that because she smiles at me "Alright, here's what your gonna do, you're gonna waltz on in that dorm, and you're not gonna even look at her" I nod, taking out a little notepad, I start writing everything down, Yoko continues "Uhuh, yeah, write this down, if she starts the conversation, interrupt her, start talking about your feelings, it let's her know that you feel comfortable enough around her to express how you're feeling, and to tell her 'nuh uh this is my time'!" I nod, mumbling, "Nuh uh... this is my time..." Yoko goes on "after you finish, keep watching her until she starts talking, then you turn around and preoccupy yourself, but make sure to listen, because if she apologizes, you have tell her that you forgive her, you know, hurt then comfort" I finish writing all of that down

"Awesome, what if she doesn't say sorry?" I ask, tapping the notebook with my pen "Oh she will, trust me, she has to, now go get her tiger"


"Nope, you got this"


I stop right in front of the dorm, reach for the door nob, hesitate, walk away, hyperventilate, go back to the dorm, reach for the door nob, touch it, quickly retract my hand like it's on fire, jump up and down, slap myself in the face and open the door, Wednesday is at her desk, she turns around to face me, It's too late to turn back now, I strut into the room, slamming the door behind me.




What on earth is Enid doing?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2023 ⏰

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