Busting A Mission

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Ryujin and I were standing outside this white plain door and I waited till she could say something. I looked around and noticed that I wasn't going to be able to find a way out of this hallway. It was like a maze with all the strange entrances, and exits.

"Open the door." She said.

I opened the door to find a big room, with white walls, and a twin bed. It was plain and dull probably because no one had used it but I was stunned at how huge it was. It was probably much bigger than my whole apartment. I took a glance at her.

"Is this my room." I asked.

"Why yes, you may decorate it however you like just do not paint my wall. I won't allow it." She said.

"I wasn't planning on it and thanks I like this room." I responded.

"Glad to hear it. Your uniform will be delivered to you this afternoon and my butler Lucas will show you around the house and teach you the basics of being a maid." She explained.

I nodded at her, and just a few seconds later she left my room. I looked around and finally let my suitcase hit the ground and out came all my clothes once again. I didn't care because either way they were to be tucked away in my closet. I walked to the big window and noticed the view of the big pool in the backyard and the woman sunbathing on a beach chair.

I'm guessing that was one of Ryujin's family members but I couldn't quite tell because of her hat. I ran to the twin bed and jumped on it feeling the softness and freshness of new bedsheets. The rest of the afternoon I was putting clothes away, and checked out the bathroom. It was very fair with a tub, it's toilet, and the perfectly clean sink.

I decided to hop into the tub and filled it up with steamy hot water. I stuck a foot in and felt goosebumps rising to my spine. I finally dipped my whole body and leaned back against the edge.

"This feels amazing." I whispered and closed my eyes.

I didn't realise I fell asleep for a short while and when I woke up I realised that I had been in the shower for nearly an hour. I stood up and wrapped myself in a white towel that I spotted on the towel rack. I walked out and saw something navy blue and white on the bed. It was my uniform.

I thought to myself. "Who uses these maid dresses anymore?" but then again these rich people probably do it for the entertainment of it. I quickly took the dress and threw it in the closet. I heard a knock on my door but before I could hide it flew open.

"Oh, I see you're finally out of the shower. Your uniform was brought to you in time correct?" It was Ryujin.

"Excuse me, do you not see me in a towel?" I exclaimed.

"Oh, Excuse me, it's my mansion, be aware that I can open my doors at anytime of the day." She fake smiled.

"That's not fair you should give a girl her privacy. What if I didn't had any coverage?" I said.

"Don't worry, I wouldn't notice, I don't pay attention to my employees." She said.

I gave her a menacing look, and she gave me a fake smile once more. She finally walked out, and I ran to lock the door. I felt so unsafe suddenly, and I thought I would have to be careful and more cautious next time.


A while later, I felt hungry since I hadn't had any solids in my stomach since this morning. 8:47pm is what my clock on the phone read. I sighed and opened the door slowly looking left and right. I tiptoed out of the room and after a while of walking, I ended up back in front of my door.

I groaned and decided I was starving, and food was top priority right now. I walked again, this time taking different turns and eventually I found the living room. I did a small victory dance, and proceeded to find the kitchen. I was getting annoyed, and wanted to yell.

"That was a nice victory dance, wanna tell me what's going on?" Ryujin whispered getting up from the couch.

I jumped at her voice, and looked at her. It seemed like she fell asleep and just woke up. She was wearing sweatpants, and a white long tee-shirt. She looked different since usually she was always wearing a suit or elegant clothes.

"Where the hell is your kitchen?" I shouted in a whisper.

She chuckled and walked ahead of me. I followed her and when she turned on the lights I was about to throw a tantrum.

"Are you serious? I spent almost half an hour trying to find this place?" I said a little louder than I was suppose to.

Ryujin gave me a weird face and leaned against the smooth counter. I looked around awkwardly. I wasn't used to going through strangers cabinets but I was desperate so I went for it.

"Make me something too." She ordered.

"Excuse me?" I said.

"Aren't you the maid?" She asked with a smirk.

I looked at her and chuckled. I totally forgot about being her maid.

"What do you want?" I asked bitterly.

"Aww like that?" She said with a pout.

I rolled my eyes, and prepared each other a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with two glasses of milk. We sat there in the quiet sipping and chewing. It was so awkward for the poor girl to be sitting to be sitting next to the richest woman in town, but slowly I was adapting to it.

Married to Ms.Billionaire Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz